Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thank you!!

I would like to thank you for your kind words and support to my family and I. In times like these it is helpful to know we are not alone. I would liketo convey my appreciation to students and staff for all the support I received. (I know my phone, wherever if may be is filled with missed calls and messages.)

    If nothing else I have learnt a few lessons that I would like to share with you if I may.

  • Say I love you, if you mean it you do not need an occasion to express it.
  • Take pictures, it’s a way to capture the moment. No moment is the same so capture as many as you can.
  • Don’t take anything and especially anyone for granted, life has no guarantees, so appreciate everything and everyone. Recognize that things can and do change in an instant.
  • Thank God daily, and if you can hourly, for each second of life he allows you and the ones you love, for he is a great and merciful and powerful God.
  • Our essence never dies, so our love ones who have passed are simply with us in a new form, one that we can carry forever in our hearts.
  • Live each day to the fullest, don’t hurt people, be good, and most of all appreciate and be thankful.

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