Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Morning

It is such a lovely morning today, so nice for it to be so rough for me. Remember that on Friday I started with that runny nose and constant sneezing? Well, that has evolved into a full blown cold. I have a bad cough and constant headache.

Nevertheless I need to keep to schedule and onthat note here is your schedule for the week.

INT 111

MONDAY You are to work on your projects. Be sure to give your files to the lab monitor for him to place in a special folder for me.

Presentation of New innoivations in Hardware and Software.

Presentations continue.
Quiz on New Innovative hardware and Software.

Things to look for during presentions to ensure you are prepared for the quiz.

1. What the item is.

2. What the item does.

3. Where you can get the item.

4. A practical use for the item.

5. Can the items be misued? Use for a purpose NOT for which it was intended.

6. How much does the item cost?



I will forgo the quiz today and let you use the time to work on your booklet.

Instructional booklets will be collected and the quiz on chapter 4 will be administered.

Chaper 4 continued

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