Monday, May 9, 2011

UPDATE CIS 120 Project details

UPDATE CIS 120 Project details

Your end of semester project has two parts A and B

Due Date May 16th 2011 at 8:00 am

All projects are to be submitted when you pick up your exam booklet.

Please sign the submission list when you turn in your booklet.

Project Details:

A. Create a blog using

Blog requirements:

Blog must have a minimum of 33 posts.

Posts must be meaningful, no status updates or phrases or quotes etc.

Must include a minimum of ten Gadgets.

Must include images, video, links, poll, games

I need not remind you of expected content.
In a nutshell be professional!
Keep in mind at all times that this is a class project so express yourself accordingly.

Blog address must be clearly inserted on the cover page of the instruction
booklet submitted on May 16th 2011 at 8:00 am

B. You are to create an instructional booklet.
Instructional Booklet format details:

BOOKLET Paper size: Legal
Orientation: Landscape
Program: Open
Binding: Stapled in the center not crimped on the outside edge.
(I have a long reach stapler in the office that you can use
to complete your project.)

Content specifications:
Cover page
Table of contents1.Instructions on creating a blog. (include ALL steps)
2. Instructions on POSTING (creating a post, editing a post, deleting a post)
3. Instructions on DESIGN (selecting a design, changing a design)
4. Instructions on ADD a gadget.(
selecting a gadget then inserting it)
Instructions should be clear, easy to understand and follow.

MY BLOG experience.
(Discuss your blogging experience, your concept of blogs and state possible uses.)


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