Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today in my Math 101-2 Class I took a students phone so that she would not be tempted to use the calculator function.

The class continued and was dismissed normally.

A few minutes the student returned asking for the phone.

Upon checking we realized that it was nowhere to be found.

It is apparent that someone mistakenly picked up the phone instead of a glasses case that was found.

Kindly assist me in locating this phone and returning the glasses case to its rightful owner.

I know that the whole incident was a honest mistake and would like to put an end to this matter.

Please return the phone to me tomorrow as soon as possible so that I may return it to its owner.

I trust that you all will be mature about this matter and not let me have to resort to reviewing camera images as this would result in an incident report having to be filled out and all the consequences that may arise.

Having said that please also respect the privacy of the owner of the phone by not reviewing text or photos remember do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Today her phone is missing tomorrow it may be yours... Do the little you can today to make Belize a better place.

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