Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 26 - April 30 2010

Good Morning ... Good Morning... Good Morning!!

I would like to clear up a little detail here relating to that 5 points extra...AHA

Some of my students did not know that it was in reference to our 2 online classes that was actually scheduled for 6 am and 7 pm Wednesday night. It was not a regular class.

Sadly I would not give you extra points for showing up to a regular class
- WEEELll it is your duty!!

As for an online class that requires you going the extra mile
( some people on dusty road hee hee)
I appreciate the effort. Then I don' feel like I wasted my money to buy the program for you nor wasting my evening when I could be doing something else.

I acknowledge your input and reward accordingly.

Keep in mind that the product that allows me to provide online lessons expires on April 27th so we will all have to meet before that at least once just for the experience.

Having said all that we now move to our class schedule for next week. TA DAAA!!

Next week we will be dealing with case studies that you will analyse from your unique perspective. Note that this is not to be confused with common sense approach. I will be looking for facts relating to Information technology devices, practices and procedures. They all will need to be applied in every situation.

You should have the web page requirements ready for you first visit on Monday.
This means at 10:00 am I want to see what you have to present to these firms. Then you will be given the go ahead and a letter stating the details and requirements of this project. Take it seriously as it is the final project for your class and plays an important role in your final and overall performance in this class. Keep in mind also that it is your introduction to the workforce. A time to make you mark. DO THE BEST THAT YOU CAN AND YOU WILL REAP THE REWARDS. I have always told you that I expect great things from you. The problem now is that I have told the business community and they now also expect great things from you TAA DAA "No TELL me yu gud... SHOW ME!!

On Monday we will be having a test on chapter 9.
Wednesday we continue with chapter 10
Thursday Test Chapter 10

Again class I am satisfied with your pace and performance in class don't go getting lazy on my now.


1. I need to review that employee database to ensure that it includes all the fields necessary for the SJC sample application form.

2. I need to see that you have put in place a mechanisms to edit the field as required by a business from time to time.

3. I need to see a sampling of the reports that can be produced and that there is a way of adding various reports as may be needed from time to time.

4. I need to see that the security features we discussed are addressed.

5. All that I mentioned above needs to be reflected in the user manual.

6. I need to see the user manual.

7. And most importantly I need some test data entered. As I will give scenarios that your database must address and be able to handle.

I want all this on Monday as we are running out of time. You are now in the heart of your project when we will needs to test make adjustments and retest be prepared it is the most frustrating part but I know you can handle it.

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