Ok as I just discussed with my 1:00 pm class I will be giving online grading assessments to make up for the classes that I will not be able to have with you next week.
Here is my schedule and that is followed by your schedule.
I have done my best to ensure that you are not cheated out of your time, so for the online assessments you can use your
notes, slides, Internet and any other research you need
- AHA there is a catch!!
It can't be all free.. hee hee.
It will be a TIMED exercises, so prepare fully,
answer what you can and if only IF you need help then RESEARCH.
Saturday I need to go on a trip with Mr. Stiker and his class.
On Monday I need to go a doctor's appointment to get some tests done.
(stop stress me out- study and do my work)
Tuesday I need to go to Belmopan for another appointment at the US Embassy.
(School related of course)
ALL Classes will therefor have one 1 hour online graded activity.
This activity is to be done over the weekend so that you need not come to class on Monday or Tuesday.
Class schedule for WED -FRI
Chapter 9
MS Word review/ Excel review
Web page update
Class activity
Submit/review Draft
Ms. Cooper when will u post it? i mean round what time so???