Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

Be merry but be good!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

INT 111 Exam

Well it's here. TA DAA.. INT 111 sections 1-2-3 Exam is Thursday December 16th 2010.

INT 111.........2:00-4:00........W2-3

See you there!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Exam Schedule

It's a lovely morning, the start of a great weekend.
Don't waste it.. be productive and prepare for your exams.

Our schedule for this week is as follows:


Math 101.......11:00-1:30.......R3-4
INT 111.........2:00-4:00........W2-3

All of you by now are aware of the topics/objectives that will be assessed during exams and you have all the material you need to prepare.

Now it is up to you.

I want you all to be successful but that is really up to you
be good to yourself, give yourself a chance at a future...prepare.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The notes/questions for the past test on chapter 6 has been posted in your class folder.

INT 111-1; INT111-2 and INT 111-3 respectively

Please note that you are responsible to retrieve it and use it to prepare for your exams. I have not yet received the final exam schedule but as soon as I do I will relay that information to you.

The Exam is comprehensive and will consist of the following chapters

1-6 with emphasis on chapters 4-5 and 6

1 - 10%
2 - 10%
3 - 10%
4 - 20%
5 - 25%
6 - 25%

Note that this represents the theory component and is 60% of the exam grade.
the other 40% of the exam grade is the final project that is due on Monday by ten a.m.

Do not misunderstand the end of semester project as an option
it represents 40% of your exam grade.

Do a good job!!

I know you can.

Monday, December 6, 2010

December 06- Dec 10th 2010

SO oooo... We are on the last bit of the semester.
Last chance to get your act together.
Here is what we have for this week.

INT 111

Mon Introduce Chapter 7

Wed Discuss and explore web sites relating to topic.

Blog grade will be given

Issue take home test on Chapter 7 Due Friday by 10:00

Friday Review for Exam - Early projects will be accepted for
early bird points (5%)


1.Blog will be checked this week
2.Project can be handed in on Friday for 5% extra
3.Projects are due on Monday.


I expect a professional proposal not an essay.
I expect to see the following properly presented
along with all corresponding documentation.

1. History/background of the Business

Type of business, location, service provided,
staffing, technology utilized, current challenges.

2. Definition of the challenge that you will be addressing.

3. Data Flow Diagram showing the
current way that the information is processed.

4. Proposed change.
Include all that you would like to change and how you intend to do it.
Remember it can include hardware, software, process, personnel, training,
upgrades or any combination.
Also include a data Flow diagram here.

5. Be realistic.
Locate and submit specifically what you recommend.
IE program, hardware, training package etc.
Remember to include price as well.

6.Conclude by stating why this change should be implemented,
how it will improve the business and the total cost of the implemented change.

Take this seriously it is good practice.

Math 101

You have been issued a review file. I expect you to complete each question in that file before coming to class on Tuesday. You have had the file for a week, so please do not try to tell me you did not do anything yet!!

Tuesday and Thursday I will have you work in pairs to complete it, this is to ensure that you get a second opportunity to review the material.

Please prepare for this exam as it will prove to be difficult if you have not acquired the required skills. I remind you...If you are unsuccessful in this class you will not be accepted into Math 103. Please prepare!!

Taa Daa ..That's all for this week.

I will be posting the exam schedule as soon as it becomes final.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30- Dec 4 2010

INT 111

Monday discussion Chapter 6 continued

Wed Test on Chapter 6 - Open Slide (LOL)

Do not fool yourself to think that this means you do not have to study.
It means study harder!!

Familiarize your yourself with those notes inside and out so that you can flip to the correct portions and find the links you need...

You know if you do it right you will not even have to flip...

it will just flow..TRUE!

Friday Chapter 7 and grade verification.

Chapter 7 will be our last chapter for this semester.

In the interest of time - this chapter will be evaluated via a take home test.

Again I remind you that my expectation are higher in cases such as these where you have all required resources as well as time available to you.

Take note also that it means under NO circumstances will I be accepting any late tests..Ta Ta Ta DAAA so be responsible and do your best.

This may turn out to be an opportunity for you to raise your grades.
(we all want to do that - RIGHT!!)

Blogs are to be updated for a grade this week TU and Wed.

Projects are to be started.

Project Details are as follows:

You are to chose any of the following:
1. Select an existing company explain the details of the company and the services they offer, location, target market etc. Let me really know this company.

Explain the processes used in their daily activities and indicated the level of IT utilized.

Select one area that you would like to improve.
a. Create a data Flow Diagram that shows the current process
b. Provide written documentation explaining how the process is done and technology/machinery/procedures used.
c. Document your proposed change indicating the benefits of implementing this process.
d.Create a data flow diagram that demonstrates implementation of your proposed
change for improvement.

That's all and you are done!!

Unless you decide to do our second choice which is:

2. Improve the registration process at Saint John's College Junior College.

If you select this option you need to provide all of the above requirements stated for number 1 but relating to the SJC registration process.

Math 101

Grade Verification

Online Test Algebra

Chapter 5

I will be posting assignment/practice for each chapter.
One per day leading up to exams.

Be sure to complete them (ALL)
as the exam will cover the same objectives tested in the exercises.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Some people have been asking questions about my excursion to Chetumal.
Here are the details.

I am having an excursion to Chetumal on Saturday November 27th 2010. The cost of the trip is twenty five dollars per person. The bus will be parked in front of Pallotti High School and we will move of promptly at 5:00 am. We are expected to be back in Belize between 6:00-7:0 p.m. on Saturday November 27th 2010. lol yet it's only a day trip.

Frequently Asked questions.
Who is having the trip.
Me.. Ms. Cooper private citizen.

Who can come on the trip.

Anyone who is over eighteen years old and has a valid passport and pays me twenty five dollars and understands that I expect responsible, respectful behavior at all times. Parents, Guardians friends are especially invited.

Needless to say this trip promises to be a fun filled venture. Please spread the word, I have space for fifty persons. We have limited spaces available that will be issued on a first come firms serve basis. Like I mentioned early payment is encourage to secure your space.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week Nov 22- 26 2010

INT 111

Chapter 6 E-Business and E-Commerce

Extra Credit Due Wed/Th
Remember to keep updating those blogs.

Chapter test Monday November 29th 2010

Math 101

Chapter 5 Ratio and Proportions

Book Assignment:

Tuesday: 5.1 1-50 page 266-267
Wednesday:51-100 page 267-270

Web assignment
Chapter 4 -algebra:
Chapter 5 Ratio and Proportion
Test Next Tuesday

INT 111 Bonus

Visit the link below

You will need to use a U.S. number to try it out. Use a real one that you know-
So that you can see that it actually works. Hee hee

When you have tried the site out comment on the experience.
Consider the following:

1. Was it accurate.
2. Was it quick and easy.
3. Your Positive and Negative feelings on this service.
4. Business use for such a service.
5. Could this work in Belize - What for?
6. What would be points to consider before implementing a site like this in Belize.

Submit your typed comments at the start of your next INT class for 12 extra points on you chapter 5 test.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 5 End of Chapter Wrap-Up

2 points each total 28 extra points.

INT111-1 and 2: Assignment is to be handed in Monday before class begins.

INT111-3: Assignment to be handed in on Tuesday before class begins.

1. Describe the three network applications that we discussed in this section and the tools and technologies that support each one.

2. What are the business conditions that are leading to the increased importance of videoconferencing? Do you see this as a viable practice that would enhance businesses in Belize?

3. Describe the underlying technologies, applications and types of Web sites that comprise Web 2.0.

4. What is the difference between e-learning and distance learning? Which do you feel offers the better options for Belizeans who wish to further their education.

5. What is telecommuting? Would it work in Belize? Indicated both positive and negative outcomes.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from the viewpoint of the employee? From the viewpoint of the organization?

7. Use the VoIP advantages to propose a VoIP system for Saint John’s College. Which advantages would be most applicable to us? What VoIP disadvantages would be most applicable us?

8. If you are the CEO of BelizeTelemedia Limited , what strategies would you implement to counter the threat of VoIP?

9. What would be the possible advantages of a small business creating a blog?

10. Would advertising over the internet be comparable to television advertising? What are the disadvantages? Will this strategy be successful in the long run? Why or why not? Be specific.

11. How would you describe Web 2.0 to someone who has not had an information systems course?

12. If you were the CEO of a company, would you pay any attention to blogs about your company? Why or why not?

13. Is it a good idea for a business major to join LinkedIn as a student? Why or why not?

14. Is telecommuting a good idea? Elaborate on the pros and cons.

Please note: No late assignments will be accepted. All assignments must be delivered in hardcopy form.

Do not miss this opportunity to earn an extra 28% on your “grade”.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

INT 111 - I am Postponing the Test

I have not been able to get to a computer long enough to put up your extra credit assignment. That means that in all fairness, since the intent of the extra credit was to assist you in preparing for the next test scheduled for tomorrow, I would need to postpone the test in order for you to be able to complete the assignment and study properly.

Having said this I have re-scheduled the test for Monday November 22 and Tuesday November 23.
Please be responsible and complete the notes tonight so that by tomorrow you are able to fully focus on my assignment. Time is precious resist the urge to waste it.

Follow the links as presented in the notes. Compare them; rate them and discuss issues that you liked, or did not like. How you think they could be improved...aha even that!!

Enjoy your evening...

Extra Credit taking EXTRA LONG

Good Morning everyone,

Today is a beautiful day, make it a productive day!!

Well... Yesterday I did not get to post the assignment I promised. One thing led to another and then I realized I had not yet done it. I am sorry.

To make it up to you the extra credit assignment will be worth 25% NOT JUST 20%.

So that should be up by 10 am today. If by 10:15 you do not see it...

Please feel free to remind me. lol...Naaa don't worry will not forget you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


We have one day to go for my BAR-B-Q

I predict a success!!

I want to thank all those who assisted through donations,
selling tickets,
buying tickets
and those who have volunteered to help in any way.

I can do this because of you.
Your support is the critical component to making this endeavor a success and I appreciate it.
Thank you!!

Remember when life give you lemons...make lemonade...AND SELL IT hee hee

I still got tickets so if you are hungry come on over..

Remember the details

11:00 AM - 2:00 P.M.

MY BIRTHDAY!!! YEA!! the BIG 40!!

So this week is my birthday I will be forty...imagine ...
and I still look good lol!

So in tradition of birthdays past you do not have to come to school for my birthday just stay home. Not only for my class but all just stay home!! I said SO!!

What?? When is my birthday??

Well as if ... It is November 19th TAA DAAA... Told Ya to stay home....hee hee

Ok so here is our plan for next week.

INT 111
Chapter five has been posted we will Finish that up on Monday for Test WED.

NOTE: INT section 1 and 2 Test Chapter 5 on WED.
INT 111 Section 3 you started chapter 5 also so you too will have your test but on Thursday.

Math 101

I have placed your work schedule up so I expect for us to be able to get review and practice on Tuesday which means be prepared for a Test on Thursday.

Hint be sure to do all the review exercises as well as the pretest and post test for the chapter. (That's chapter 4)

You have no excuse because you have the computer to assist you as well as the book exercises. Chop chop. Work hard and get ready.

Then...On Friday go celebrate my birthday and have good clean fun. Take care and remember to tell each member of your family you love them.

TAA DAA... That's all folks

Week Nov 8- 12

INT 111
Chapter 4 Test
Done and graded
Begin Chapter 5
(Notes available in your class folder)

Math 101
Chapter 4 Algebra
Thursday is the main link I expect you to complete all this is 1 week. So pace yourself and put in the practice.

As a guide use the following:
Thursday: Language of Algebra
Friday: Basics of Algebra
Sat:Equations and Inequalities
Sunday: Church then re do the section on Equations and Inequalities
Monday:Graphing Equations and Inequalities

I do not believe I need to remind you BUT I WILL!!
This is an important chapter as it will prepare you for math 103 College Algebra!!

If you get this chapter you will stand a change. If not....welll...see you next semester AGAIN!!

Be responsible for your learning...take the right step!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Update on Richard

So Richard came and soaked everything I owned and almost drowned my family and me. I am lucky and grateful to be alive.

I know this.

However, I am not pleased at all with the way that things are going.
No one seems to understand the extent of my loss.
NEMO and many others came to assess damages; they took pictures and expressed amazement at the extent of my loss yet no support has been forthcoming.

So yes I have my family, thank God but I am homeless, forced to seek lodging at a friend’s house and not being able to provide for my sons who mean the world to me.

Like I said in class, I have always considered myself a proud independent woman and I do not appreciate the way the government agencies are humiliating me
by telling me they will assist my family with food and yet to date
I don’t seem to qualify for something as simple as food!

Having waited for so long and having not received any package from any government agency, I explained to Mr. Roger Espejo my disappointment;

he told me to go on Regent street and ask for Ms. Pennil at Human Services Department, who would give me a package of food.

Believing him, I went to go pick it up then when I got there I was told by Ms Pennil that I needed to go back home and wait there for someone to come and assess my house first and then I would get food so I left with nothing for they gave nothing.

A few more days passed and no food came, yet each night newscasts featured food distribution to people of the “Port Layola” area.

Again I visited Regent Street and spoke to Ms. Pennil.

I reminded her of what she has said about the assessment and informed her that I still did not get any food.

Well! She told me I would not be getting any because I had a job and I did not need the assistance.

WOW!! Really! Wow!! Who is she to tell me what I do and do not need?

Well you know I had to ask her! I said Ms. Pennil,

“Look at me. (This was Frinday, I was dressed the same as for classes that morning)

Do I look like a person who would come all the way here if I did not need to…really?”

I explained that I have always subsidized my income with my landscaping or id printing and neither was possible now because all my equipment was destroyed;

(I had the pictures to prove it) yet my financial obligations remained the same and because I had no means of making extra money I would face losing my house. .

I explained that her actions were unreasonable and she replied that when I have no house or job then they can help me.

I asked was the relief not for victims of the hurricane or only unemployed people. She said, “Miss you have a job”, as if that was something bad.

To be honest, I feel like a victim, but not because of the Hurricane Richard.

I feel persecuted for being an employed, educated member of society.

I have always been an honest, hard working, law abiding, productive member of society, working for many years.
I pay my taxes.
Under normal circumstances I would never be asking for anything other than,
“Can I offer you landscaping services or print your companies ID cards?”
and for them to treat me this way when I am in need, is despicable!

Never have I ever imagined that I would be placed in such a position.
It really is hard for me to have had everything and to have lost it all so quickly. This was really unexpected and I struggle emotionally and the added stress of their actions is uncalled for.

I remember Mr. Roger Espejo on a television interview where he spoke of my case and said that the government “would assist the teacher on Reggae St.” well I have received no assistance and I am surprised and upset.

Anyway, being the fighter and businesswoman that got me all I had in the first place, I will not give up.

I did break down, I admit, but now I am ready to try again, for my sanity, for my sons, for my future and as an example to women and all my students past and present.

My first plan of action is a bar-b-q that will be held this Friday November 12th 2010.

This bar-b-q will be done Cayo style with
Cooper's secret ingredient (yummy)and be sold at $5.00 each.

I will have tickets available on Monday so feel free to come pick one up.

Tell your friends..true…tell them! I will have a tent across from the SJC roundabout (where printing is done)
Yes! The gentleman gave me permission to use his yard.
Food will be available from eleven.. well that’s the plan.

As for what I need, some people have expressed their desire to help and feeling that I would take their offer the wrong way so here is a multiple choice. Lol

a. You can support me by buying a ticket
b. You can help me sell some tickets
c. You can bring any of the following to be used for the bbq (foil paper, bbq sauce, coal, plastic bags.)
d. You can offer to deliver bbq on that day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1-5

Math 101
Tuesday Update/ Review/ Plan
Thursday Chapter 3 Test.
Be sure to prepare use the post test as a guide.

Assignments for chapter 4 will be posted tomorrow.

INT 111

Update- Presentation on slides. You were to be prepared so I expect his to go quickly.

Wednesday - presentations continue. Lecture wrap up of chapter

Friday - Test on Chapter

Be sure to download the information for the new chapter that begins next week.


Test Friday
Blog updates at least three per week. Keep current.
Download your file to start preparation for the new chapter.
Bar-B-Que next week Friday.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pics of what Richard did to me

Important update for this week!!

Good Morning everyone.

I hope you were all safe during Richard. I know many of you suffered losses material and otherwise. We must all still be grateful for the fact that we are alive.

I am. My family and I was at home when Richard came. I felt that my house was strong enough to withstand a Category one hurricane so I did the normal preparation in terms of food and removing stuff from the floors and place them four feet off the ground. Well That did not work!! The water rose in excess of six feet in my home I found myself holding my younger son up,as he stood on a table that was on my submerged sofa, hoping that help would arrive in time and we would not all die inside my home.

Luckily about twelve help arrived and we were rescued. I lost everything I had in my home and my truck as the yard itself came under about 8 feet of water. I am glad to be alive and I am doing my best to not go crazy. True, it's hard. I do have some good news. The extend of the damage will not affect you and your classes other that my absence today... because luckily your grades were all online...yea as for any outstanding papers well they are all gone so we will need to get a fresh start, but we will discuss that when I return to classes on Monday.

Take care and appreciate life.
Really be all that you can be when you can.. your time is NOW!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

INT 111

As you all know we are now working on Chapter 4.

Here is the situation for today and tomorrow.

I have a sore throat and it hurts when I speak.

Aha!! NNNNNNNNNNNoooooooooo!!!

We are still having classes!!

So this is how we will improvise to accommodate the situation.

Remember you were already assigned the review the chapter notes as an assignment.


You will be the ones explainging and giving examples to the class. Be ready I will select randomly!!

Aha!! YYYYYeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss!!

I will be awarding points for students who are in fact prepared and ready to contribute.

I will also be assigneing a case for you to review and comment by the end of the class. So it's gonna be a busy class. See you there!!

Ta Daa !! That's all!

p.s. now I will really see all who are not preparing before my class. Hmmmmm...

Will it be YOU!!

Math 101

We will now move on to chapter 5

Introduction to Ratios page 261.

We will spend one week on this chapter which means the chapter test is scheduled for
Thursday October 28th 2010.

The main link is

As a guide here is a suggested schedule

Thursday up to page 270 and web practice on the link below

Friday Page 270 -275
Saturday Web practice from link below
Sunday Pg 276-282 and web practice from link below
Monday pg 283 - 285 and web practice from link below
Distance, Rate, Time

This means that by Tuesdays class we should be able to have a all practice class in preparation for the new week.

I need not remind you that Math requires practice.
Work on it until you got it.

I believe in you. I know you can do this.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Notes for this Week

Well.. I need not tell you what a crazy week it has been.

First there was the Holiday on the 12th..
Then Tropical Storm Paula.. and we all know the mess that caused
Then sadly the provost's mother died and I went to the funeral services
Then came midterm reports and grade verification
and finally Friday...Thank God for every day, and expecially for binging us safly to the end of this crazy, busy week.

But now that the storm has passed...
We need to prepare and get back to schedule:

Math 101

But now that the storm has passed...
We need to prepare and get back to schedule:

Math 101

You all have a copy of the book so now move on and continue chapter three.

Please be sure to prepare as your test is scheduled for Tuesday. Be sure to practice a lot and make sure you prepare well by completing the post test at the end of the chapter.

Realize that if you fail this class you will not be allowed to register for MTH 103 and that will eventually lead up to you having to stay an entire extra year. Can you do that…. If I were you; I would just study now and pass and get out of MTH 101 with the foundation I need. But… you decided.

Wednesday assignment Pretest chapter 4 book practice and online practice.

On Thursday we begin chapter 4
Friday book practice and online practice.
Saturday book practice and online practice.
Sunday book practice and online practice.
Monday book practice and online practice.

In other words each day I want you to do a few problems out of the book and also max out the time on the website practice. It’s for your benefit.

INT 111

The file for chapter 4 has been posted in your various class folders.
Prepare by reading it in its entity. Various assignments will be assigned later. But start to read. Of course needless to say you must research whatever you are unsure of you know that by now.

Also be reminded that by now you should have already created your blog on and have 3 entries for the first week. I will give a grade for the web address 100 if the blog was created and has 3 entries. Zero for anything less than that. So you chose what you want 100% or zero. Help me to help you…Do your part.

Other than that.. next week we proceed with chapter 4 and the test for that chapter will be the following Monday and Tuesday depending on your class day.

Taa Daa that’s all for now.

Update on Lost Phone

I am pleased to announce that I was able to retrieve the lost phone.

See my faith in the goodness of my students was not in vain.

I am glad I decided to hold out and wait for its return and not simply get upset and have the cameras reveal anything; as that would have resulted in the explosion of a student.

I know you are all eager to know who it was. BUT NO! NO! no!

I 'had said I did not want to know as long as the phone was returned
and so that's the end of it.

I keep my word.
Remember that you must always be a man or woman of your words.
It's a quality worth building.

So having said that;
let's put this whole thing behind us and move on.

Monday, October 11, 2010

No classes Tomorrow Tuesday October 12th 2010.

There will be no classes Tomorrow October 12th 2010.
This is due to pending bad weather that is expected from Tropical Storm Paula.
Check local weather report for accurate factual information.

Keep safe, take care, be good! I want to see you all when this is over. I will be posting our weeks schedule tomorrow.

Remember to pray for our country so that Paula just passes us with a little breeze and not much flooding or water damage.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

INT 111

Please be advised that notes that can assist you in preparing for the test on Friday have already been posted. It is on the school system once there, go to your class folder in the general folder.

Ta da... Use it well!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today in my Math 101-2 Class I took a students phone so that she would not be tempted to use the calculator function.

The class continued and was dismissed normally.

A few minutes the student returned asking for the phone.

Upon checking we realized that it was nowhere to be found.

It is apparent that someone mistakenly picked up the phone instead of a glasses case that was found.

Kindly assist me in locating this phone and returning the glasses case to its rightful owner.

I know that the whole incident was a honest mistake and would like to put an end to this matter.

Please return the phone to me tomorrow as soon as possible so that I may return it to its owner.

I trust that you all will be mature about this matter and not let me have to resort to reviewing camera images as this would result in an incident report having to be filled out and all the consequences that may arise.

Having said that please also respect the privacy of the owner of the phone by not reviewing text or photos remember do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Today her phone is missing tomorrow it may be yours... Do the little you can today to make Belize a better place.

Math 101

Today we will be continue working on decemals.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

INT 111 October 4th - 8th 2010

INT 111 October 4th - 8th 2010
Chapter 3
The following are actual cases that will shed light to the issue of Privacy and personal communication. (25% each)

1. Bill Gates and Bill Clinton were both charged with crimes based partially on evidence in emails.

2. Martha Stewart and her attempt to cover up her activity with regards to shares in Imclone stock.

3. President Bush’s and Karl Rove in the ongoing CIA investigation

4. Consider the following then state your opinion on whether people in prominent positions should have their email monitored, how is it that their emails are available for others to hold against them? Is email forever?

STUDY HINTS (Prepare for class discussion)

1. State a definition of ethics and list its four categories as they apply to IT.
2. Be able to describe the issue of privacy as it is affected by IT.
3. What does a code of ethics contain? Be prepared to give an example
4. Describe the relationship between IT and privacy.
5. Give an example of one type of unintentional threat to a computer system.
6. Give an example for the various types of software attacks.
7. Be able to define the following: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, back doors, denial or service attacks, alien software such as adware, spyware, What they are. What they do. How they work.
8. Describe the issue of intellectual property protection state your idea on this and on the way it is practiced in Belize .
9. Describe the two major types of controls for information systems.
10. What is information system auditing? State cases where its use would be appropriate
11. What is the purpose of a disaster recovery plan? Who is responsible to ensure its existence and carry it out.
12. There is a scheme called hack, pump and dump. Be able to explain what it is.

Group Activity (Due Wed.)

Groups are allowed to have 4-5 members.

Groups are free to select their own members.

You are an information security manager tasked to routinely monitored the contents of electronic correspondence among employees. Create scenarios that you expect to find and outline the steps that you would take in such a position. If the security manager’s submitted the list of abusers to management would that be ethical? Why or why not? Would punishing the abuses ethical? Why or why not?(40%)

Is monitoring of the Web surfing by managers ethical (It is legal.) Support your answer by describing a scenario as well as its consequences. (20%)
Is employee Web surfing on the “sinful six” ethical? Prepare a scenario to support your answer.(20%)
Is there any way for a company to know if its security measures are sufficient? Can you devise a method for any organization to determine if its security measures are sufficient? (20%)
Wednesday Groups present.
Friday: Chapter 3 continued
Project Due Friday
1. Why are computer systems so vulnerable?
2. Why should information security be of prime concern to management?
3. Compare information security in an organization with insuring a house.
4. Why are authentication and authorization important to e-commerce?
5. Why is cross-border cybercrime expanding rapidly? Discuss possible solutions.
6. Discuss why the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is having an impact on information security.

Please note Practical Assignment Requirement for the week

Sunday: Enter Find out what the organization does. Learn about e-mail scams and Web site scams. Report your findings.

“ScamBusters Has Helped People Protect Themselves From Clever Internet Scams, Identity Theft and Urban Legends Since 1994”

Monday: Visit and learn how to prohibit unsolicited e-mail (spam). Describe how your privacy is protected.

Tuesday: Visit (Department of Homeland Security). Search the site for “National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace” and write a report on their agenda and accomplishments to date.

Wednesday: Enter and other vendors of biometrics. Find the devices they make that can be used to control access into information systems. Prepare a list of products and major capabilities of each.

Access The Computer Ethics Institute’s Web site at

The site offers the “Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.” Study these 10 and decide if any should be added.

Thursday: Software piracy is a global problem. Access the following Web sites: and What can organizations do to mitigate this problem? Are some organizations dealing with the problem better than others?

Extra Credit: Replaces the lowest grade to date.

Read In the Matter of BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc., Agreement containing Consent Order, FTC File No. 042 3160, June 16, 2005 at Describe the security breach at BJ’s Wholesale Club. What was the reason for this agreement? Identify some of the causes of the security breach and how BJ’s can better defend itself against hackers and legal liability.

Friday Test Chapter 3
Chapter 3 can be found in Engrade.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

As we move on..

Well its back to school as normal.
On Monday we will have classes as scheduled.
I have not heard anything to make me think differently,
no schedule change or anything of that sort.

When I do, if I do, I will let you know.

Let us: Thank God that we did not get it worst than it was and
while you are thanking God for that, take time to ask him to guide our lives so that we make good choices as an individual, a community, a country.

I will be posting next weeks schedule in an hour or so. NO Rush as on Monday we will ce doing what was scheduled for Friday.

JeSSS The Test.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Official Notice

Tropical Storm Matthew was formed today and is threatening the coast of Nicaragua, Honduras and possibly Belize. Everyone is strongly encouraged to monitor the development of this weather system in order to activate your personal/family emergency plans.

Given its current position and projected path, Belize will likely be affected over the weekend, with the strong probability of heavy rainfall even before.
In order to prepare, approval has been granted for country wide cancellation of classes on Friday.

Note then:

There will be no classes Today September 24th 2010.
This is due to pending bad weather that is expected from Tropical Storm Matthew.
Check local weather report for accurate factual information.

This means that the test scheduled for tomorrow is going to be re-scheduled.
I will keep you posted.

Keep safe, take care and if possible of course prepare for my class.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This Week's Schedule

INT 111

Monday Start Chapter 2
Tuesday 21st September - No Classes
Wednesday- Continue Chapter 2
Thursday - Friday Test Chapter 1&2

Assignment Due: Wed by 8:00 am hard copy (printed) no excuses!!
Project 1 Due Friday: Same rule applies hard copy, no late HW will be accepted.
Be professional, be reliable!

Math 101

Tuesday 21st September - No Classes

Keep current with your scheduled online lessons.
Thursday - Test on Fractions.
est will be online but you will submit you workings.

All questions will come from your tutorials 3 per section so you do the math.
Each section you don't complete will cost you 15%.
Think about it if I say I will get 3 from each section - hmmm
will she pick the first ones.... the ones in the middle...
OOOORRR the last ones that you cant get to till you complete all correctly....
I wonder???

Reminder... Do all from each section to gurantee you know all the information - passing my test is not as important as you getting the required skilles offered by these sites. I trust you see the importance and will make the necessary arrange to ensure you put in enough practice time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

MTH 101

Don't think I am not watching you too. You better be working on those links that I sent you. I will take 5 questions directly from each site for a total of 50 questions. If you prepare and complete all then you are sure to pass. Come up to you. Prepare to pass!!


The following scenario is Belize Electricity Ltd.
Location BEL N.Hwy.

1. For the following, create a level 0 diagram from the perspective of BEL. (25%)

The customer comes in and applies for an electricity connection/account. He/she indicates if it is business or residential and presents her identification and gives the location of the residence/business. The customer service representative verifies the ID makes a copy of it and issues an Application for New Service Form which the customer fills out. After collecting the form the Customer Service Representative enters the information from the form and prints a new connection slip which is given to the customer with a connection amount that is based on the type of service required. The customer is asked to pay the amount indicated to the cashier. The cashier collects the money and the new connection slip and creates an account for the customer and prints a receipt.

2. Create and complete a DFD Table based on the information given above on BEL. (25%)

3. Identify the processes presented and for each process create a level 0 diagram for each process.

3. Copy these processes and combine to create a level 1 diagram from BEL's Customer Service Rep's Perspective. (25%)

I need not tell you to do this on your own. If you try to cheat you will suffer during exam when you will need to do one in front of me.

Remember No crossing of lines. I want neat straight lines, Follow the rules no data store direct to data store etc. Use only the approved symbols. Indicate the flow of information for each and every data flow. Lastly a process is an action so name them appropriately.

This is Due on Wed for all classes WED at 8:00 ALL classes no matter your day and time WED at 8:00 I don't care if you do not have classes at that time get it to me before or send it with some reliable person who will bring it on time but I will not take it at all if it comes after 8:00 am WED. NO excuses you see how long you have and doing it at home. NO excuses printed and submitted to me by 8:00 am WED September 22 2010

Ahhh I hope you understand cause if not, and you are late I will give you a M for missing which is a pretty way of dressing up a zero!!Got it ... so get it to me on time.

Friday, September 17, 2010

INT Practical Example

Look at this I am not feeling well and can not be at school but
when I feel better I can still work from home - don't you think that's cool.

It is a very good practical example of what we are discussing in chapter one.

Technology has advanced so much that time, place, proximity, location, language does not delay or interfere with my disseminating information to you.

Make use of it keep current.
Do your exercises.
Make me proud.

I may not be with you in body but in mind and spirit I am and I have expectations and requirements that you need to meet.

Ta daaa get to it. Wori Woki!

INT 111

The following is a wrap up to Chapter 1.
It is due in one week, September 24th 2010.

I recommend you review your notes like I showed you
(research and follow suggested links as well as do your own personal research)

Then complete these questions then since you would definitely be ready do your online test.

Yes even though the assignment is not due until next week, get it over with.

I already gave you chapter 2, so … wrap up chapter one,
put it behind you and move on. “JUST A SUGGESTION”.

Any good student would do it that way.

So to accommodate this, the online test will be available Sunday. I have extended your study time by 2 days.

TO HELP YOU so do not come up with crazy lame excuses about anything.
This class is all about you.
Put in your fair share of work to get the most of the class.

So here it is!!!!

Answer the following questions in MS word and submitt hardcopy in 1 week at the beginning of class ( NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED):

1. What are the characteristics of the modern business environment in Belize?

2. Describe the Web-based, global platform and how this affects Belize.

3. Describe the platform used by Google, Amazon and other companies. Would this be something that can work in Belize.

4. Describe some of the pressures that characterize the modern global business environment?

5. What are some of the organizational responses to these pressures faced in Belize? Are any of the responses specific to a particular pressure and does it include IT? If so, which ones?

6. What are the major reasons why it is important for employees in all functional areas to become familiar with IT?

7. Why is it important to become knowledgeable about information technology if you are not working as an IT employee?

8. What is the difference between IT Infrastructure and IT architectur?.

9. Is the Internet an infrastructure, an architecture, or an application program? Why? If none of the above, then what is it?

10. How has the global, Web-based platform affected competitionin Belize? Give an example.

11. Describe the new information technology infrastructure of Google and Amazon. What is the relationship between this new infrastructure and the global, Web-based platform?

12. Explain why IT is a business pressure and also an enabler of response activities that counter business pressures.

13. What does a flat world mean to you in your choice of a major? In your choice of a career? Will you have to be a “lifelong learner”? Why or why not?

14. What will the impact of a flat world be on your standard of living. Explain

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

INT 111

Today I went to the doctor as a follow up to how I am feeling. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow for some tests. I was given 2 days off. This means I will not be in class on Thursday and Friday. This does not mean that you got off.

We are scheduled for a test on Friday and so we will have that I will have a link posted on Friday. You are to click on the link and take the test online. I will be able to get your grades so just follow the instructions and all will be OK. I'll see you on Monday. Remember to log on to engrade for the notes that was discussed in class today.

As for the Data Flow Diagram. On Friday I will post the scenario. You are to complete a level zero and a level 1 diagram and submit the printed copy to me on Monday. This is a take home test. Each person is expected to make their own DFD. Do it yourself to improve yourself and to avoid a zero because I will give you zero for sharing or copying. I trust you. Do not betray my trust.

Math 101

Today I went to the doctor as a follow up to how I am feeling. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow for some tests. I was given 2 days off. This means I will not be in class on Thursday and Friday. This does not mean that you got off.
I have scheduled excercises for you that will not be delayed or postponed.
Aggg the worders of technology - all I ask is tht you find a computer with internet access and complete the online graded practice as outlined below.

We are on Fractions

Below I have placed links to a site that will walk you through our topic which is fractions.

The fundamentals are basic and I need you to be confident in this before we move on.

Think of it as a game.
The activity times you.
I challenge you to do it until you get 100% then move on.
I bet you can’t !!

AHA… prove me wrong!! I you do as good as you did on test one I expect a plesant surprise. If you decide not to bother and you do not put in practice time. Guess who suffers. Right!! YOU!!

You are to complete the following at you own pace ( so to speak) you need to complete one section per day.

Thursday Class work: This one replaces my class time:

Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

Word Problems: Add and subtract Fractions with like denominators

Thursday Homework after you have completed Thursday Class work
Add and subtract fractions: Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Add fractions with unlike denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

Friday’s Homework

Add and subtract fractions: Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions

Saturday’s homework - no Expo until this is done!!

Add and subtract fractions: Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions

Add and subtract fractions: Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers

Sunday’s Homework

Complete the section. YES ALL THE REST!!

Now you know its not over until I motivate you. So here it is … Remember you promised me to put in the effort and use technology to improve you math skills. You promised. This is a site that has it simplified and when you get anything wrong there will be a clear explanation to guide you. I believed you promise and I know that if you make the effort you will see the results. Show me how responsible you can be. Show us all that you can do this. I know you can. Don’t disappoint me.
Take a step to a new you in Math!!! Do it alone with no distractions.

Check back on Sunday for next weeks assignment. See you Thursday. Need I mention that I will know who put in the time and need I tell you it will envolve a Grade?? It will... Will you be ready??

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Math 101

Now that we have completed the chapter test we are moving on to the next chapter on fractions. Please be sure to work on those tutorials on fractions.

I am counting on you to do you part.

INT 111 DFD Practice

Information Technology 1
Data Flow Diagram

Consider the following scenario and create a level 0 diagram.

1. Cooper’s Bank is a commercial lending institution that offers only two banking services. Personal Savings Accounts and Personal Loans. In order to access any of these services you must first be a Customer. To become a customer you must first fill out an application and present it to the customer Service Representative along with your Social Security Card and a current Utility bill. Having collected all the required documentation the Customer Service Representative will issue a Savings Pass Book. This book needs to be submitted when making withdrawals or adding savings to an account. In the case of personal Loans, a person can only borrow up to 80% of the amount that they have in their savings account. To apply for a loan customer is required to fill out a loan application and submit his/her pass book. The account amount is verified and if the savings exceeds 80% the loan is granted immediately. If the loan is granted the customer is given some agreement forms to fill out. These are returned to the customer service representative who files them and issues the money. In the event where the savings amount is less than the required 80%. The customer is denied the loan and is given a pamphlet of good tips on saving.

Having created your level 0 diagram review it to ensure that all required information is present and create a level 1 diagram

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13-18 2010

Good Morning Everyone:

I trust you had a lovely tenth celebration. I hope you were wise and put a little study in.

Here’s what’s in the week ahead.

INT ………………………..Test TH/Fri
PP CH 1 Presentation
Mon Wed Test Friday
Tu Th Test Thursday

I know you are ready.
Make sure you have completed all those tutorials. Remember the class is like a bank account, what you put in you will get out.

Test Tu
Thur we move on to fraction + _ / *

And that’s it for this week enjoy….

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am not feeling well today and can not make it to class.

I am sorry but I am not feeling well today. I've been feeling dizzy since I got up. I went to school earlier hoping to feel better but the dizziness was still there. I Will not be in today but will make sure to arrange to make up the class with you. As soon as I feel better I will update you. Take care and again I am truly sorry and will make it up to you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Math 101

I know we have a test scheduled for today but in an effort to give you more practice time that test is re-scheduled for Thursday's class.Today we will explore an online tutorial site. YES... another one so you don't get bored.

Remember what you put in you get out so put in some practice.

Friday, September 3, 2010



I AM SO SORRY. lol... I know you don't care.

Bus seriously, no additional homework will be given to Math class or INT.

But get ready for Test on Monday.

INT be able to construct a DFD level 0 and level 1 diagram.

Math 101 review all that we did especially the last set that we worked on in class.

Get ready then when you are sure you are ready, rest and enjoy you weekend. The on Sunday evening review again.

I will give you next week schedule on Sunday. But you already know the first class is a test. Hee hee !!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MATH 101

An update on the assignment.

I was clear that I expected ALL assignments as well as NO late assignments. Now remember assignments are for your benefit. You were given adequate time to complete it and it was accessible to you. Keep in mind that many of you do not have the book and I am doing my best to help you with whatever I can. Well… One such way is by giving assignments. Failure to complete my assignment will result in 20% off immediately, no questions asked. You do your part I will do mine.

Second late assignment 30% off. Don’t let that apply to you – Do my work and do it well. I expect great things from you do not disappoint me!

Third late assignment 40% off Need I say more.

Next week we will be moving on to fractions. This means that you need to have the basics of addition subtraction multiplication and division set. Come on if you never got it before we can do it now. Help me to help you.

Having said that it would be advisable to review the following:

Composite and prime numbers
be able to identify proper/improper and mixed numbers
know how to find the LCM
inequalities (greater than, less than and equal to)
addition subtraction multiplication and division of fractions.

Check back later for today’s assignment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

INT 111

Assignment due Friday Sept 3rd 1020:

1. Use msword to draw a level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the library.
2. Use msword to draw a level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the address book.

Refer to your notes for the descriptive method, which indicates all the required processes, entities, data stores and data flows.

Ta Daa... That's all for today...

Be sure to apply yourself!

No late assignments.
Your assignments are due at the beginning of class. YUP!! FRIDAY!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MTH 101 Homework Chapter 1

This assignment is due on Thursday at the beginning of class.

No late assinments will be accepted.

Be responsible.

Baby steps one day at a time and before you know it
this class is over and you are ready to move on to your other math classes.

Section one: Calculate and write the answer in words.

1. 420,057 pounds + 900,808 pounds
2. 3,088,281 + 5,658,137 + 4,450,239
3. 638,719 + 40,003 + 984,035
4. 1,938,722 + 517,827 +517,827

Section 2: Calculate and write the answer in words.

1. 30,000,000 - 27,999,000
2. 3,402,331 - 2,588,902
3. 71,384,612 - 32,016,594
4. $3,810,662 -299,137

Section 3: Calculate and write the answer in words.

1. 259,685 X 231
2. 5,026, 095,102 X 163
3. 2,500,000,250 X 978
4. 38,095/ 42
5. 638/98,890
6. 152/34,048
7. 14/6,000
8 66/99,980
9. 537/387,177
10. 25/10,800,250

Section 4

1. In 1900 the population of the United States was approximately 76,000,000. During the next 100 years, the population grew by about 205,000,000 people. What was the population in 2000?

2. Of the 6,000,000 square miles of tropical rainforest that originally existed on earth 3,4000,000 square miles have been lost due to deforestation. How many square miles of rainforest still exist?

3. An oil tanker broke apart at sea. It spilled 150,000 gallons of crude oil the first day, 4000,000 gal the second day, and 1,000,000 gal the third day. How much oil was spilled in all.

4. If crude oil sold at a rate of $9.56 per gallon how much money was lost.


Classes are just beginning and already some people are late with assignments....


I wont call any names. I must be getting soft, but I'm giving the ONE and ONLY break you will get!!

All students who have outstanding assignments for me....

You have until tomorrow to get it to me.... Here is the catch!!

I want it before 8:00 a.m.

I am on campus from 7:00 so I am available.

Classes start at 8:00 then I can not be disturbed so get it to me before that.
Hard copy, no email.
That's the deal.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 30th -Sept 3rd 2010

I trust you all had a great weekend with just the right mix of fun and work.

Here is what we have for the week ahead.

INT 111


Continue with Notes 1 Module 1
Discussion and class activities ( be prepared to answer and participate in class)


Complete Notes 1 Module 1 and begin Data Flow Diagrams


Be sure to prepare and focus on the following:
Data Flow Symbols
Importance of DFD and process documentation

MTH 101

A few reminders that I want you to keep in mind as we begin this course.

* The last time I checked, only three students in each section had the required text book. I hope that posting the information of the book that you need will assist you in obtaining a copy.

Basic Mathematics through applications By: Geoffery Asket and Sadie Bragg

* I expect each of you to try your best at all times.
* Remember that to get a concept in math you need to practice.
* Never forget that I believe in your ablity - now prove it!

Below is a link to a tutorial website, I would like you to go to the website.
Note that it covers 3 basic areas.

1. Addition and Subtraction
2. Multiplication and division
3. Fractions/decimals and percents

Make a commitment to yourself and go through each at your own pace – somewhat- because I want you to complete part one by Tuesday’s class – then move on.

You should complete part 2 by Thursday’s class.

You will be given until September 6th to complete all three.

Your commitment to this class starts here. Help me to help you by doing your part. Who benefits the most from this??? YOU DO!! Remember that!

Taa Daa and that's all folks.
We'll take it one week at a time.
Can you do that??

Saturday, August 28, 2010

INT 111

I have posted the notes that will be used in class for the next two weeks.

I would suggest you review in order to prepare well.

A good student would!!

Are you a good student?

You can be if you want to..

Create you life intentionally.

Prepare for my class and ALL other classes!!

INT 111

Did you all see the incredible rainbow this morning. It was lovely, never forget how blessed you are.

Your assignment as promised.

Give an example of data being structured and becoming information for one person and then that information being used as data for yet another person.

Ta Da!! Go ..

Thursday, August 26, 2010

MTH 101 (Section 1 and 2)

Assignment 1

Seriously consider and answer the following questions in MS Word.

What is the importance of Mathematics in the word today?

What role does this class “Fundamentals of Mathematics” or MTH 101 play in my life?

What are the consequences of neglecting my responsibilities regarding this course?

How can a solid foundation in Mathematics help me to achieve my goals for the future?

This assignment is due next class. Remember no late Assignment will be accpted. Be responsible, be mature, be responsible.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MATH 101

It is with great please that I announce that all classes for Math 101 will be held in W12. Oh yea!! Oh yea!! we get to use the computers.

SOOOO now you all have no excuse...whatsoever to pay attention, focus, and apply yourself. Ta DAA!!

101-1 SEE YOU IN w12 TOM AT 7:50 ----YES COME EARLY!!

101-2 see you in W12 AT 1:20 ----- yup EARLY TOO!!

sEE yA!!

Information Technology 111/1-2-3

Information Technology 111/1-2-3
Good Morning

I trust that you have all been good students and are ready for a wonderful day of learning.

Got my homework!!

I look forward to getting to know you!!

Enjoy your day..and remember

being prepared is a great way to start the day!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

INT 111-3

INT 111-3

SLA43 Arnold Shantell 006983
SLA44 Castillo Wayne 007031
SLA45 Cawich Florencita 003254
SLA46 Cayetano Lisiyen 006431
SLA47 Custodio Anais 007487
SLA48 Franklin Samantha 006840
SLA49 Fraser Jenelli 007077
SLA50 Joseph Shanice 007558
SLA51 Lopez Ada 007774
SLA52 Mariano Mendez 007772
SLA53 Nunez Michelle 007188
SLA54 Orellano Claudia 007773
SLA55 Pech Samir 007203
SLA56 Santos Jordan 006647
SLA57 Torres Rivianni 007700
SLA58 Vasquez Kyle 007304
SLA59Viveiros Alexander 007718

Your assignment is to create a one page introduction flyer using Power Point. Include the following using 10 slides:

1. Name and a picture of yourself
2. Email
3. Your cell phone Number
4. Your Parents name contact number and email
5. Your Program
6. Your chosen career path (why)
7. Your course expectations
8. Your expected course grade
9. Your commitment to the class.
(What you will do, that you believe will guarantee your expected grade)
10. A bit about you. Any other thing you think I should know about you.

Ta Daa and that’s it for assignment one make sure its all there and print!!
Your can print as handouts to save ink.
Bring it to the next class – one time – already printed.

INT 111-2

INT 111-2

SLA17 Aragon Kimberly 006980
SLA18 Baizar Heather 006997
SLA19 Burgess Erienne 007745
SLA20 Castillo Kyle 007029
SLA21 Flores Tracey 007071
SLA22 Guerra Pricilla 007103
SLA23 Heredia Michael 007114
SLA24 Juarez Nathan 007133
SLA25 Mcgaughey Sarah 007167
SLA26 Meza Kevin 006570
SLA27 Morrison Vannessa 007179
SLA28 Myvett Devon 006587
SLA29 Osorto Ingrid 007193
SLA30 Ottley Meisha 007194
SLA31 Perez Areli 007206
SLA32 Pitts Andre 007214
SLA33 Pollard Rajeev 007217
SLA34 Riverol Rebecca 007229
SLA35 Rosado Jessica007239
SLA36 Ruiz James 007243
SLA37 Sebastian Tasia 007258
SLA38 Sharp Shakira 007259
SLA39 Williams Rodicia 007320
SLA40 Woodye Kim 007324
SLA41 Dyre Ashanti 007059

Your assignment is to create a one page introduction flyer using MS Publisher. Include the following:

1. Name and a picture of yourself
2. Email
3. Your cell phone Number
4. Your Parents name contact number and email
5. Your Program
6. Your chosen career path (why)
7. Your course expectations
8. Your expected course grade
9. Your commitment to the class.
(What you will do, that you believe will guarantee your expected grade)
10. A bit about you. Any other thing you think I should know about you.

Ta Daa and that’s it for assignment one make sure its all there and print!!
Bring it to the next class – one time – already printed.

INT 111-1

INT 111-1 (I hope you remember what these are!)

SLA 1 Argueta Catherine 006981
SLA2 Avila Deisy 007429
SLA3 Belisle Charles 007007
SLA4 Chan Adir 007036
SLA5 Fuller Danielle 007361
SLA6 Garbutt Keneshia 007084
SLA7 Gonzalez Janelie 007097
SLA 8 Hyde Emaun 007123
SLA 9 Lauruano Joanna 007139
SLA10 Leslie Shandale 007143
SLA11 Pren Lysette 007218
SLA12 Robinson Brittney 006232
SLA13 Samuels Natasha 007645
SLA14 Tillett Azalie 007276
SLA15 Waight Elissa 007311
SLA16 Zheng Chrostopher 007335

Your assignment is to create a one page introduction flyer using MS word. Include the following:

1. Name and a picture of yourself
2. Email
3. Your cell phone Number
4. Your Parents name contact number and email
5. Your Program
6. Your chosen career path (why)
7. Your course expectations
8. Your expected course grade
9. Your commitment to the class.
(What you will do, that you believe will guarantee your expected grade)
10. A bit about you. Any other thing you think I should know about you.

Ta Daa and that’s it for assignment one make sure its all there and print!!
Bring it to the next class – one time – already printed.

10% per item -get it all - get it all!!

A new Semester Begins...

Whatever feeling you have within you are attracting your tomorrow.
(The Secret)

Translation: Feel good today and tomorrow will be a great day!!
You create your own learning environment.
Make it a good and productive one!!

Welcome to Semester 1 2010 at S.J.C

This semester I will be teaching:

Code Class Day Time Location
INT111-1 Information Technology 1 MWF 8:00 am W11
INT111-2 Information Technology 1 MWF 9:00 am W11
INT111-3 Information Technology 1 MWF 12:00 pm W11
MTH 101-1 Fundamentals of Mathematics Tu Th 8:00 am W2
MTH 101-2 Fundamentals of Mathematics Tu Th 1:30 pm W2

So HELLLOOOO Everyone…..

As I mentioned to you in class this blog will be
the link between you and your course.

This is where you will be able to find valuable information regarding
assignments, class activities and any other information that
needs to be conveyed.

Please note that the blog caters to all five class section so be sure to focus on the one relating to your class.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

One week to go...

Ta da... I am waiting for you...

All new students- the ones who are prepared to do well in their classes - should research a class prior to commencement. This means that you should by now know about my blog and what it is used for. Which means that by now you should have reviewed all that we did during summer session to get an idea of what to expect...WELL ...did you? Hmmm.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


In response to a query made here goes...
Anybody interested in the kindle idea and soft copy of the books you need???

Let me know. This is a survey. I will look on the results and depending on the response will give you a follow up. Taa Daa.

Monday, August 2, 2010



Hope you all had a wonderful and safe holiday, all fresh and ready to work. I am ready for a JAM PACKED semester...lots to do, don't worry I'll try to mix a little fun in BUT work you WILL work so get ready.


Monday, July 12, 2010


Please note that most of the exam will focus on chaper ten.
True and False questions based on chapter and a case evaluating chapter concepts. 5 questions on DFD's

That's it you got away , but heed my advise really, really go over chaer ten like we reviewed google what you do not know. Prepare!!

One last thing it is on paper....Sowweeee! Hee hee!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blog Requirements

We started or you were to create your blog last Thursday.
Since then you WERE to be creating one post per day and adding gadgets.
The gadgets can be added at your own pace but to be completed by Monday the blog will be graded as the practical component of your exam. Taa Daa a chance to up the grades. Do a good job do not mess this up!!

to name a few!!

Sites to review for chapter 7 Practical

GPS tutorial
XN Satellite Radio
Blue tooth
boost wireless transmission

This week!!

I’m Back… Based on your comments I was missed… hee hee

Anyway for this week:

Monday Test chapter 4 and 5 online

Tuesday spot check of your blog
Test Chapter 6 and 7 online

Chapter 8
Practical (5 total details will be posted later after class discussion)

Chapter 9
Test chapter 8 and 9

Chapter 10


July 12th Exam
Final project Blog: Requires one post per day and use of ALL possible gadgets.
Practical’s need to be completed and submitted on time.
Prepare for each chapter by reading the slides researching unknown sections and taking online quiz.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome back so nice to have you all back

First of all we need to thank God for blessing us and keeping us safe over the weekend. We must be grateful for being spared. Always remember it could have been so much worst. I hope you were all prepared and continue to be prepared throuout this season.

Point to remember:
Presentation Friday also note Friday makeup classes 11 - 2:30 lunch break 30 Min noon to 12:30

Exam 12 Junly 2010 10:30 - 12:30


Test Chaper 2 and 3
online Yea!!

Assignment on Software due
Check the bolg later to find group assignments for Project Presentation Friday

Chapter 4 slides Preview and be prepared for class participation

Chapter 5 Preview and be prepared for class participation

Test Chapter 4 and 5

Pizza Day

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thursday's Practical Exercises

All you creative people out there have you ever wanted to create your own stuff. Don't you think you have it in you to customize it just right??
Would you pay more to get it your way?

Experience customization by designing your own shoes at
then go to and build your own car
when you are done swing by www.eaternrecording,com and make your own CD
Drop by www.iprintcom and make your own business card and finally go to and make your own diamond ring.

Summarize your experiences.

I presume that you would have explored the websites while comparing the flexibility, creativity and ease of use of each. Submit your summary using MS Word not to exceed one page.

Wednesday's Practical Excercise

Go to
Prepare a report regarding the latest electronic commerce development in the digital age.

Your report should be prepare in MS word. and is to be Submitted on THURSDAY June 24th 2010 at the beginning of class.

Tuesday's Practical Exercises

Surf the Internet for information about Homeland Security. Examine the available information, and comment on the role of information technologies in Homeland Security. Compare this to the system utilized in Belize.

Gather information such as resources available, advisory system, information about nuclear, biological and chemical emergencies, NEMO and various contacts.

Monday's Practical Excercise

Today we will explore Shipping Policies:

1. You will be sending a package 10" x 20" x 15" weighing 40 pounds from you home in L.A. to #4 Dow Street Salem Ma. 01970

a. Find out the information available to customers before they send a package.
b. Compare the fastest delivery vs/ the cheapest.
c. Explore/explain the "package tracking" system.

2. You will be sending a fragile package 10" x 20" x 15" weighing 10 from #4 Dow Street Salem Ma. 01970 to your address in Belize.

a. What is the cost of the shipment.
b. How long will it take to arrive (fastest vs/ cheapest)
c. Will I be able to track the shipment. (Is the service offered in Belize)

Information available regarding time and cost, pickup schedule, labels, closest locations and how to prepare packages should be listed.

You are to follow the above directions and produce a printout directly from the UPS site which lists the delivery times and costs. Compare and determine the best option.

June 21 – June 25th 2010

Good Morning All;

We are off to the start of a wonderful week.

I have checked your tests. They have been graded and your grades have been posted in Engrade. I am not pleased with the outcome but I realize that the results were skewed due to 3 people being absent and receiving an M; this brought down the average drastically. Having said that please be notified that absences are not good. When you are absent you miss vital work and your performance suffers. In the case where you have an unexplained/unexcused absence and graded work was assigned you receive an M.

(M is a pretty was of saying ZERO – Zero is not good to have in your grades!)

So to wrap up come to all my classes,
be on time and have all your assignments ready.
RUN my Gazelles RUN!!

Distribute and Review Test 1
Continue with slide
Distribute new chapter information

New Chapter begins
Web IT assignment 1
Excel Review

Wednesday 2
Chapter continues
Discuss cases presented
Test 2 (Practical ) Data Flow Diagrams

Excel Assignment Due
Case study WEB IT

Friday Class Tentative:
You will be notified if the makeup class will be this Friday!

Be prepared for class at all times. I have no surprises. I keep you informed. Information is POWER…Use the POWER!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Remineder: Test 1 ********** is HERE

Please note that your first test is ready.
I expect you to also be ready.
All students should be present and prepared.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 14th – 18th June 2010

Hello All:

It has been a long break. One that I trust you made good use of.

A reminder tomorrow is the last day to submit any late assignments. Any assignment not submitted tomorrow will be disregarded totally as there is no excuse that is acceptable given all the time you had. Having said that this is what we have in the week ahead. The Modern Organization in the Global , Web-Based Enviornment

Information Systems: Concepts and Definitions
The Global Web-Based Platform

Lecture Discussion continued
Business Pressures, Organizational Responses and IT Support
Why is IT important to ME?

Review Data Flow diagrams
Test 1 Multiple Choice/True and False
Team Assignment

Problem Solving activities
Internet Activities

Case Presentation
Club IT

And that’s is for this week.

A reminder that updates to assignments will be posted so keep informed!


June 14th – 18th June 2010

Hello All:

It has been a long break. One that I trust you made good use of.

A reminder tomorrow is the last day to submit any late assignments. Any assignment not submitted tomorrow will be disregarded totally as there is no excuse that is acceptable given all the time you had. Having said that this is what we have in the week ahead. The Modern Organization in the Global , Web-Based Enviornment

Information Systems: Concepts and Definitions
The Global Web-Based Platform

Lecture Discussion continued
Business Pressures, Organizational Responses and IT Support
Why is IT important to ME?

Review Data Flow diagrams
Test 1 Multiple Choice/True and False
Team Assignment

Problem Solving activities
Internet Activities

Case Presentation
Club IT

And that’s is for this week.

A reminder that updates to assignments will be posted so keep informed!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Extension on Assignment -- A first:-{

It appears that..
My gazelles were not ready to run when the sun rose this morning.
Can you believe I had some students who were not aware of the assignments?


Anyway for this time and this time ONLY you will be allowed to submit your assignment late. I will be checking the ones that I have and entering M for those that I do not have. I will replace the M with your grade when you submit your work.

>>>>This extended date is tomorrow at the beginning of class.<<<<<<<<<<<

Again a reminder to keep informed about the class.. assignments, details, reminders, CHECK THE BLOG!!


Choices and consequences…make the right choice…stay informed!!

Practical Assignment: Keeping you busy :-)

Visit some Web sites that offer employment opportunities in IT. Prominent examples are :,,,,,,,, and Compare the IT salaries offered to accountants, marketing personnel, financial personnel, operations personnel, and human resources personnel. For other information on IT salaries check Computerworld’s annual salary survey.

Prepare a comparason report of your findings. (Not to exceed 500 words)
Include a paragraph on your perspective having been exposed to this information.

Submit Printed copy on Monday. MS Word

Will the Registration Process affect us?

Ok it is 10:15 and the line for registration is still all the way downstairs. I am not sure if we will be able to get the use of the lab. I hope so and only time will tell. However we must be prepared in the event that we do not get to have class.

Think you got away?? Aha..Nope

Consider the following:

1. Describe some of the pressures that characterize the modern global business environment?
2. What are some of the organizational responses to these pressures? Are any of the responses specific to a particular pressure? If so, which ones?
3. What are the major reasons why it is important for employees in all functional areas to become familiar with IT?
4. Why is accessing the Internet with cell phones such a huge advantage for countries or areas with no land lines?
5. What are some additional ways that villages could use the Internet? Can Internet access really bridge the digital divide in these rural areas? Why not?
6. What is the relationship between providing cell phones to villages and a flat world?
7. Why is it so important for an organization to make compliance an integral part of its culture? Hint: Is compliance a “top own or a “bottom up” process?
8. Why is the IS function so important to an organization’s compliance efforts? Is this true of all industries, or is it true of some industries more than others? If the latter, for which industries would compliance be most critical? Why?
9. How do JPMorgan’s investments in IT help the bank increase market share? Increase profits? Prevent competitors from entering its markets?

Answer the questions in MS Word. Do it well and be prepared for a dynamic discussion. When we meet.

Taa Daa...over and out.

Interesting.. true…very true!!

Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster that the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It does not matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better start running.

So my question for you is..
Are you ready for the rising of the sun?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Class Reschedule notice....NOTICE!!

Yesterday as I was feeding my dogs in the morning before going to school, one of them jumped on me and threw me off balance. Sadly I stood on an exposed nail. I sprayed it with a pain killer and went to school. Later that day as I sat and assisted with the students’ registration my foot started to swell. Luckily I made it through class. I am sure you could see how painful it was for me to move. So unlike me!!

Today my foot is swollen really badly and I am not able to put on my shoe nor can I walk. I will not be able to make it to class today. You know if I could I would.

I know we had a quiz scheduled for today but in its place I will assign a take home assignment. This assignment is to be printed and submitted in our next class.

You are free to use you notes and research to ensure a good grade. I propose, to make up this class next week at a time to be arranged upon my return. I suggest that you do not resist as this is in your best interest. I already explained that this summer session will be packed with lots of activities and I assure you this misfortune will not derail us. Having said that here is your assignment.

1. You are to construct a level zero diagram for a video store.
2. Construct each process individually
3. Combine the individual diagrams to create a level 1 DFD for the video store.

Below is the descriptive details for the video store.

“Video R US” is a members only video store.
To become a member a person must provide a valid form of ID and a current utility bill.
A membership card is issued when membership has been approved.
To rent videos a member provides the required video along with his/her membership card. Both are processed and a fee is given.
The video store acquired new videos each month based on a compiled list that is submitted to the supplier who then brings the requested videos.

Taa Daa that's it!! If you have any questions call me at 629-9922. Don't send me text cause I can't text back today.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Update for June 7th – June 11th 2010

Helllo everyone,
I trust you are well rested and by now have completed my required DFD level 0 diagram
as discussed in class on Thursday.

If not... guess what?

Get to it because I WILL check to see that you have it done!!

AHA and you don't small assignent like a level 0 DFD to mess up your nice grade..or do you??

Plan ahead to ensure you are ready for whatever comes>>>

Here is what coming the week ahead.

Monday June 7th:
Continue with DFD- Will check your level 0 diagram
Practical: Construction of DFD level 1 of a library system.
Assignment to construct a level 0 diagram for a pizza shop due Tuesday in MS Word.

Tuesday June 8th :
Quiz on DFD
Things to know: Symbols- name, shape, definition, use
Processes- be able to evaluate for: efficiency, effectiveness, use of
technology, documentation, availability, training requirements.

June 9th: Wednesday
New innovative hardware and software:
Select and area of interest.
Evaluate the use of technology in this field/area of interest.
Research technologies that could be used in this area.
Research new innovative technologies that could enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in this area.
Students will submit and discuss the 1 really “WOW” interesting hardware and 1 incredible software. Explaining its use, benefits, pitfalls, etc.

June 10th
Students will research and compile an upgrade proposal for The S.J.C. bookstore.
You are to transform the book store into a trendy esthetically appealing relaxing gathering place for the students of S.J.C.J.C.

Be sure to consider the following:
Processes – A DFD depicting how things were done
and another depicting the new way it is to be done.
Training requirements
Product supply
Maintenance requirements
Layout/space availability
Expansion possibilities
Employee requirements

You will be give class time on Thursday to do this.
Keep in mind that it is not an easy task and will require intense for site and research to be done properly.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Assignment June 2nd

Research 5 input output processing and storage devices. Your assignment is do be completed in MS word (hardcopy required)
Include the following:
Description of functions
Can it be misused?
Note: Find interesting devices not the regular mouse keyboard etc.

Have assignment printed to be submitted at the beginning of class.

Assignment due June 3rd 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010


Good Morning Everyone
Welcome to Summer Session 2010 at Saint John’s College Junior College SLA

This summer promises to be a fulfilled learning experience. So if you are not prepared yet - get ready because we will be covering lots of information and you will need to be focused.

The following people are enrolled in this class. If your name is not here you need to address the matter with the Registrar so that you can be added to the list. If not then I am sorry but you would not be able to continue this session.

Below are some details we need to cover.

INT 111-1
INFORMATION Technology 1

Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday –Thursday
11:00 – 12:15

Currently enrolled students:

Choc Pedro 17041
Ellis Kenna 17062
Ermeav Christiana 17063
Flores Halima 17070
Foster Shaenie 17075
Franklin Decicia 17076
Hoy Sinead 27119
Jimenez Vercine 17129
Lui Liliana 17153
Nah Ernesto 17182
Nunez Haydee 17187
Parham Genilee 17198
Rivas Shary 17228
Vargas Christian 17229
Weir Danny 17368
Williams Lesha 17317

1. You will be given a SJC account that will allow you to access our school network.
You will be assigned a generic password. Please change you password asap, for safety purposes.

2. You will be assigned an Engrade account. Your access code is listed behind you name. Please sign up and register for an Engrade account. Grades will be posted on this site and you will have access to them from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and you remember your password. Do not forget your password as I will not be able to recover it for you. So be responsible.
3. You are expected to monitor this blog on a daily basis as you will be held accountable for all assignments and or notices that are posted.
This point becomes even more important due to the nature and intensity of a summer program. You will need access to a computer and internet connection!!
4. Your course outline can be downloaded from you engrade account.
5. After downloading the course outline read it over at least twice to ensure that you are aware of my expectations relating to performance attire and behavior.
6. I expect professionalism from you at all times and I expect your best work at all times.

Having said all that….

WELCOME TO INT 111 I am your Lecturer Ms. Cooper
I look forward to a productive semester..

Now Lets begin with engrade.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Makeup date to get you forms signed.

Sadly some people still have not come to get their forms filled and signed. Well its too late to sign up for summer so I hope you know what you are doing. Anyway its not too late to get your registration form for August filled out. I will be at school on Monday June 7th 200 from 7:30 am. Why so early... well I will be assisting with registration.

Be clear on this I will be registering from 8:00 - 11:30 do not come to try and get me to advise you then because I will be dealing with completed forms. I will be available for incomplete forms from 7:30-8:00. Don not miss it AGAIN!!

Again Registration dates June 7- 8 and 9.

Payment Deadline July 30
Register June 7 pay by July 30 - Get in all your classes.
Come early avoid the rush.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


The following part-time and full-time vacancies have been made available for any Junior College students or future graduates:


Atlantic Insurance Company

Accounts Receivable Clerk (Business or Accounting Major preferable)

Contact Person: Mr. Rene Munoz


Business Computer Systems


Contact Persons: Lourdes Smith, Kris Taylor or Karen Garbutt

Contact Number: 223 – 2013 or 223 - 4396

You need to submit an application letter and a resume. If you need any assistance, aha you were not paying attention ayyyy. Well you are lucky - visit the Centre for Business and Career Development Website for job application and resume formats and templates.

Or feel to visit me at the Centre for Business and Career Development located in the Art Centre. Ask Mr. Jan Burgos to assist you.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Summer School Registration

Notice to all my second and third year students.

Summer Registration is TODAY Friday May 21, 2010

TIME 8:00 - 3:00 that's the official time!!

HINT !!! HINT!!!........... If you wait until after noon
I can not guarantee that you will get into the classes that YOU NEED!!!

So be lazy .........sleep late........who cares if you come in the afternoon...

So listen:

Get up
Get ready
Come to school by 8:15 the latest

Get registered.
It's you future.

On another note keep in mind that Registration dates for August is June 7-8 and 9

So you can come register get you amount and have almost a month to gather it up and pay in time.
So that's the plan.

Fail to Plan... plan to fail

Taa Daa over and out see you at 8:15

I'll be watching who is already showing no interest by already not being on time.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where Are YOU???

I need to see all the following people.

If you know them let them know.

1. Pick up grade reports from the OTR Office.
2. Come to see me ----WHY????

All students need to pick up and fill out some forms.

1. Summer Registration Form.
2. 3rd Semester Registration Form
3. Graduation Application Form

All of the above requires guidance and advising. I am here!!!!

Sean Ayuso
Christopher Aguillar
Valentine Makin
Davis Urbina
Tony Jack Reyes
Michael Revers
David Perez
Anwar Novelo
Aaron Moaney
Ivar Juarez
Sean Hernandez
Richard Herbert
Karen Crawford
Xunan Novelo
Jaimz Barrow
Shimon Armstrong
Samuel Cain
Jovannie Cal
Kevin Cuthkelvin
Jerry Ebanks
Akeem Hamilton
Kareem Moses
Nick Rhaburn

Come see me...

Remember to come for your grades today

All students will be able to collect there grades from the registrar today, after which yoy will be able to go see your advisor.

This is a reminder to all the CIS students whom I advise.

Come on over and lets get this over with. Do not delay.

We got some planning to do..... The future is yours..Be all that you can be..starting TODAY!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Grades were due and submitted by teachers on on or before Noon on Tue May 18th.

Grades for my classes were posted through the year and the final exam grades were entered so that you could see how you did. Sadly students did not perform as I would have liked and so some grades went down. None the less it was there for you to see, had you taken the time to go check it. Well now its too late. The registrar has what we submitted and that concludes this semester.

I would like to inform you that students can pick up report card at the OTR Office. Office will be opened from 7:30 a.m. Students then go to the assigned classrooms to meet with their adviser. IT Students you know the drill.

Please be sure to show up as advisers will provide guidance to you on what courses to take for summer school and have you fill out the registration form for Fall semester. We will also distribute graduation Applications and sign your summer session and fall semester forms.

Dates to remember....

Registration dates June 7,8 and 9
Payment deadline July 30

There will be no late registrations, so please meet your deadlines.

Friday May 21 Summer school Registration
Thursday June 3 Awards Night
Saturday June 5 Graduation Mass
Sunday June 6 Graduation Exercise

Be responsible - remember these dates. Taa Daa.. That's all folks:-}