INT 111 October 4th - 8th 2010
Chapter 3
The following are actual cases that will shed light to the issue of Privacy and personal communication. (25% each)
1. Bill Gates and Bill Clinton were both charged with crimes based partially on evidence in emails.
2. Martha Stewart and her attempt to cover up her activity with regards to shares in Imclone stock.
3. President Bush’s and Karl Rove in the ongoing CIA investigation
4. Consider the following then state your opinion on whether people in prominent positions should have their email monitored, how is it that their emails are available for others to hold against them? Is email forever?
STUDY HINTS (Prepare for class discussion)
1. State a definition of ethics and list its four categories as they apply to IT.
2. Be able to describe the issue of privacy as it is affected by IT.
3. What does a code of ethics contain? Be prepared to give an example
4. Describe the relationship between IT and privacy.
5. Give an example of one type of unintentional threat to a computer system.
6. Give an example for the various types of software attacks.
7. Be able to define the following: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, back doors, denial or service attacks, alien software such as adware, spyware, What they are. What they do. How they work.
8. Describe the issue of intellectual property protection state your idea on this and on the way it is practiced in Belize .
9. Describe the two major types of controls for information systems.
10. What is information system auditing? State cases where its use would be appropriate
11. What is the purpose of a disaster recovery plan? Who is responsible to ensure its existence and carry it out.
12. There is a scheme called hack, pump and dump. Be able to explain what it is.
Group Activity (Due Wed.)
Groups are allowed to have 4-5 members.
Groups are free to select their own members.
You are an information security manager tasked to routinely monitored the contents of electronic correspondence among employees. Create scenarios that you expect to find and outline the steps that you would take in such a position. If the security manager’s submitted the list of abusers to management would that be ethical? Why or why not? Would punishing the abuses ethical? Why or why not?(40%)
Is monitoring of the Web surfing by managers ethical (It is legal.) Support your answer by describing a scenario as well as its consequences. (20%)
Is employee Web surfing on the “sinful six” ethical? Prepare a scenario to support your answer.(20%)
Is there any way for a company to know if its security measures are sufficient? Can you devise a method for any organization to determine if its security measures are sufficient? (20%)
Wednesday Groups present.
Friday: Chapter 3 continued
Project Due Friday
1. Why are computer systems so vulnerable?
2. Why should information security be of prime concern to management?
3. Compare information security in an organization with insuring a house.
4. Why are authentication and authorization important to e-commerce?
5. Why is cross-border cybercrime expanding rapidly? Discuss possible solutions.
6. Discuss why the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is having an impact on information security.
Please note Practical Assignment Requirement for the week
Sunday: Enter Find out what the organization does. Learn about e-mail scams and Web site scams. Report your findings.
“ScamBusters Has Helped People Protect Themselves From Clever Internet Scams, Identity Theft and Urban Legends Since 1994”
Monday: Visit and learn how to prohibit unsolicited e-mail (spam). Describe how your privacy is protected.
Tuesday: Visit (Department of Homeland Security). Search the site for “National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace” and write a report on their agenda and accomplishments to date.
Wednesday: Enter and other vendors of biometrics. Find the devices they make that can be used to control access into information systems. Prepare a list of products and major capabilities of each.
Access The Computer Ethics Institute’s Web site at
The site offers the “Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.” Study these 10 and decide if any should be added.
Thursday: Software piracy is a global problem. Access the following Web sites: and What can organizations do to mitigate this problem? Are some organizations dealing with the problem better than others?
Extra Credit: Replaces the lowest grade to date.
Read In the Matter of BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc., Agreement containing Consent Order, FTC File No. 042 3160, June 16, 2005 at Describe the security breach at BJ’s Wholesale Club. What was the reason for this agreement? Identify some of the causes of the security breach and how BJ’s can better defend itself against hackers and legal liability.
Friday Test Chapter 3
Chapter 3 can be found in Engrade.
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