I trust you all had a great weekend with just the right mix of fun and work.
Here is what we have for the week ahead.
INT 111
Continue with Notes 1 Module 1
Discussion and class activities ( be prepared to answer and participate in class)
Complete Notes 1 Module 1 and begin Data Flow Diagrams
Be sure to prepare and focus on the following:
Data Flow Symbols
Importance of DFD and process documentation
MTH 101
A few reminders that I want you to keep in mind as we begin this course.
* The last time I checked, only three students in each section had the required text book. I hope that posting the information of the book that you need will assist you in obtaining a copy.
Basic Mathematics through applications By: Geoffery Asket and Sadie Bragg
* I expect each of you to try your best at all times.
* Remember that to get a concept in math you need to practice.
* Never forget that I believe in your ablity - now prove it!
Below is a link to a tutorial website, I would like you to go to the website.
Note that it covers 3 basic areas.
1. Addition and Subtraction
2. Multiplication and division
3. Fractions/decimals and percents
Make a commitment to yourself and go through each at your own pace – somewhat- because I want you to complete part one by Tuesday’s class – then move on.
You should complete part 2 by Thursday’s class.
You will be given until September 6th to complete all three.
Your commitment to this class starts here. Help me to help you by doing your part. Who benefits the most from this??? YOU DO!! Remember that!
Taa Daa and that's all folks.
We'll take it one week at a time.
Can you do that??
Ummmmm.... Ms. Cooper... Was that hw on input devices due tomorrow O.o... *crosses fingers* plz say no o.O *crosses fingers*