Monday, March 21, 2011

CIS Assignment: Due 2nd class of this week

Chapter 6 E-payment methods:

1. List the various methods of payments used in e-commerce.

2. Explain each method and state advantages and disadvantages of each.

3. Select the method you believe to be the best one for use by Belizean business, justify your answer.

This assignment is to be printed and submitted at the beginning of class.
MWF class = Wednesday
TU/TH = Thursday

Late assignments will be collected to ensure interpretation of concept but no credit will be given to late assignments. Hint..hint.. hand in your assignment on time.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mar 21-25 2011

Hello everyone :-)

This week, (last class for the week) I will be giving a make up test.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who has a missing or low grade.

The make up test will not be as easy as it sounds... it will be comprehensive
chapter 1 - 5, I would say something like a mid-term exam (smile) It is not compulsory so for all my students who were good all semester and have no missing or low grades.. you can benefit too, as it can earn you bonus points (10).

Having said that.. Here's what we got for this week.

CIS 120 Chapter 5 Test and Begin Chapter 6 notes and make up test.

INT 211 Chapter ten slides continued. Take home case study.

Enjoy your week.
Remember it can be a great week if you are prepared.
Can you do that?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 14th -19th 2011

Hello Hello Hello...

It's a beautiful morning.
Remember be thankful for all our blessings and never forget how lucky you are.

Make the best of things.

They may not be exactly what you want but it sure could be a way lot worst.

So... in the spirit of "The best of things" lets make the best of this week.

INT 211

This week we will work on chapter 10 Business Operations

Business Operations

Please note that this site has the objectives of the chapter, powerpoint slides, some practice test Multiple choice; true and false as well as short answers.

You have all that you need .. so our aim is to complete it in a week.

Which means that the first class next week will be a test on Business Operations.

CIS 120

This week we continue and wrap up chapter 5 with a test at the end of this week.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

IT's a long weekend !!

Good Morning all..

It's a beautiful weekend. We must remember to be grateful for all that God has blessed us with. Take a few seconds to say "Thank you God for all that you do for me."

For this lovely weekend...
I will not assign you any additional work.
However, for all those who wish to be prepared here are some suggestions.

INT 211

Be sure you are familiar with the review questions for chapter ten. No Online test this weekend. That will be differed to Wed. But make sure you are ready.

CIS 120

You can prepare chapter 5, read, review and familiarize your self with it as we will be working on that next week.