Thursday, September 30, 2010

INT 111 October 4th - 8th 2010

INT 111 October 4th - 8th 2010
Chapter 3
The following are actual cases that will shed light to the issue of Privacy and personal communication. (25% each)

1. Bill Gates and Bill Clinton were both charged with crimes based partially on evidence in emails.

2. Martha Stewart and her attempt to cover up her activity with regards to shares in Imclone stock.

3. President Bush’s and Karl Rove in the ongoing CIA investigation

4. Consider the following then state your opinion on whether people in prominent positions should have their email monitored, how is it that their emails are available for others to hold against them? Is email forever?

STUDY HINTS (Prepare for class discussion)

1. State a definition of ethics and list its four categories as they apply to IT.
2. Be able to describe the issue of privacy as it is affected by IT.
3. What does a code of ethics contain? Be prepared to give an example
4. Describe the relationship between IT and privacy.
5. Give an example of one type of unintentional threat to a computer system.
6. Give an example for the various types of software attacks.
7. Be able to define the following: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, back doors, denial or service attacks, alien software such as adware, spyware, What they are. What they do. How they work.
8. Describe the issue of intellectual property protection state your idea on this and on the way it is practiced in Belize .
9. Describe the two major types of controls for information systems.
10. What is information system auditing? State cases where its use would be appropriate
11. What is the purpose of a disaster recovery plan? Who is responsible to ensure its existence and carry it out.
12. There is a scheme called hack, pump and dump. Be able to explain what it is.

Group Activity (Due Wed.)

Groups are allowed to have 4-5 members.

Groups are free to select their own members.

You are an information security manager tasked to routinely monitored the contents of electronic correspondence among employees. Create scenarios that you expect to find and outline the steps that you would take in such a position. If the security manager’s submitted the list of abusers to management would that be ethical? Why or why not? Would punishing the abuses ethical? Why or why not?(40%)

Is monitoring of the Web surfing by managers ethical (It is legal.) Support your answer by describing a scenario as well as its consequences. (20%)
Is employee Web surfing on the “sinful six” ethical? Prepare a scenario to support your answer.(20%)
Is there any way for a company to know if its security measures are sufficient? Can you devise a method for any organization to determine if its security measures are sufficient? (20%)
Wednesday Groups present.
Friday: Chapter 3 continued
Project Due Friday
1. Why are computer systems so vulnerable?
2. Why should information security be of prime concern to management?
3. Compare information security in an organization with insuring a house.
4. Why are authentication and authorization important to e-commerce?
5. Why is cross-border cybercrime expanding rapidly? Discuss possible solutions.
6. Discuss why the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is having an impact on information security.

Please note Practical Assignment Requirement for the week

Sunday: Enter Find out what the organization does. Learn about e-mail scams and Web site scams. Report your findings.

“ScamBusters Has Helped People Protect Themselves From Clever Internet Scams, Identity Theft and Urban Legends Since 1994”

Monday: Visit and learn how to prohibit unsolicited e-mail (spam). Describe how your privacy is protected.

Tuesday: Visit (Department of Homeland Security). Search the site for “National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace” and write a report on their agenda and accomplishments to date.

Wednesday: Enter and other vendors of biometrics. Find the devices they make that can be used to control access into information systems. Prepare a list of products and major capabilities of each.

Access The Computer Ethics Institute’s Web site at

The site offers the “Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.” Study these 10 and decide if any should be added.

Thursday: Software piracy is a global problem. Access the following Web sites: and What can organizations do to mitigate this problem? Are some organizations dealing with the problem better than others?

Extra Credit: Replaces the lowest grade to date.

Read In the Matter of BJ’s Wholesale Club, Inc., Agreement containing Consent Order, FTC File No. 042 3160, June 16, 2005 at Describe the security breach at BJ’s Wholesale Club. What was the reason for this agreement? Identify some of the causes of the security breach and how BJ’s can better defend itself against hackers and legal liability.

Friday Test Chapter 3
Chapter 3 can be found in Engrade.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

As we move on..

Well its back to school as normal.
On Monday we will have classes as scheduled.
I have not heard anything to make me think differently,
no schedule change or anything of that sort.

When I do, if I do, I will let you know.

Let us: Thank God that we did not get it worst than it was and
while you are thanking God for that, take time to ask him to guide our lives so that we make good choices as an individual, a community, a country.

I will be posting next weeks schedule in an hour or so. NO Rush as on Monday we will ce doing what was scheduled for Friday.

JeSSS The Test.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Official Notice

Tropical Storm Matthew was formed today and is threatening the coast of Nicaragua, Honduras and possibly Belize. Everyone is strongly encouraged to monitor the development of this weather system in order to activate your personal/family emergency plans.

Given its current position and projected path, Belize will likely be affected over the weekend, with the strong probability of heavy rainfall even before.
In order to prepare, approval has been granted for country wide cancellation of classes on Friday.

Note then:

There will be no classes Today September 24th 2010.
This is due to pending bad weather that is expected from Tropical Storm Matthew.
Check local weather report for accurate factual information.

This means that the test scheduled for tomorrow is going to be re-scheduled.
I will keep you posted.

Keep safe, take care and if possible of course prepare for my class.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This Week's Schedule

INT 111

Monday Start Chapter 2
Tuesday 21st September - No Classes
Wednesday- Continue Chapter 2
Thursday - Friday Test Chapter 1&2

Assignment Due: Wed by 8:00 am hard copy (printed) no excuses!!
Project 1 Due Friday: Same rule applies hard copy, no late HW will be accepted.
Be professional, be reliable!

Math 101

Tuesday 21st September - No Classes

Keep current with your scheduled online lessons.
Thursday - Test on Fractions.
est will be online but you will submit you workings.

All questions will come from your tutorials 3 per section so you do the math.
Each section you don't complete will cost you 15%.
Think about it if I say I will get 3 from each section - hmmm
will she pick the first ones.... the ones in the middle...
OOOORRR the last ones that you cant get to till you complete all correctly....
I wonder???

Reminder... Do all from each section to gurantee you know all the information - passing my test is not as important as you getting the required skilles offered by these sites. I trust you see the importance and will make the necessary arrange to ensure you put in enough practice time.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

MTH 101

Don't think I am not watching you too. You better be working on those links that I sent you. I will take 5 questions directly from each site for a total of 50 questions. If you prepare and complete all then you are sure to pass. Come up to you. Prepare to pass!!


The following scenario is Belize Electricity Ltd.
Location BEL N.Hwy.

1. For the following, create a level 0 diagram from the perspective of BEL. (25%)

The customer comes in and applies for an electricity connection/account. He/she indicates if it is business or residential and presents her identification and gives the location of the residence/business. The customer service representative verifies the ID makes a copy of it and issues an Application for New Service Form which the customer fills out. After collecting the form the Customer Service Representative enters the information from the form and prints a new connection slip which is given to the customer with a connection amount that is based on the type of service required. The customer is asked to pay the amount indicated to the cashier. The cashier collects the money and the new connection slip and creates an account for the customer and prints a receipt.

2. Create and complete a DFD Table based on the information given above on BEL. (25%)

3. Identify the processes presented and for each process create a level 0 diagram for each process.

3. Copy these processes and combine to create a level 1 diagram from BEL's Customer Service Rep's Perspective. (25%)

I need not tell you to do this on your own. If you try to cheat you will suffer during exam when you will need to do one in front of me.

Remember No crossing of lines. I want neat straight lines, Follow the rules no data store direct to data store etc. Use only the approved symbols. Indicate the flow of information for each and every data flow. Lastly a process is an action so name them appropriately.

This is Due on Wed for all classes WED at 8:00 ALL classes no matter your day and time WED at 8:00 I don't care if you do not have classes at that time get it to me before or send it with some reliable person who will bring it on time but I will not take it at all if it comes after 8:00 am WED. NO excuses you see how long you have and doing it at home. NO excuses printed and submitted to me by 8:00 am WED September 22 2010

Ahhh I hope you understand cause if not, and you are late I will give you a M for missing which is a pretty way of dressing up a zero!!Got it ... so get it to me on time.

Friday, September 17, 2010

INT Practical Example

Look at this I am not feeling well and can not be at school but
when I feel better I can still work from home - don't you think that's cool.

It is a very good practical example of what we are discussing in chapter one.

Technology has advanced so much that time, place, proximity, location, language does not delay or interfere with my disseminating information to you.

Make use of it keep current.
Do your exercises.
Make me proud.

I may not be with you in body but in mind and spirit I am and I have expectations and requirements that you need to meet.

Ta daaa get to it. Wori Woki!

INT 111

The following is a wrap up to Chapter 1.
It is due in one week, September 24th 2010.

I recommend you review your notes like I showed you
(research and follow suggested links as well as do your own personal research)

Then complete these questions then since you would definitely be ready do your online test.

Yes even though the assignment is not due until next week, get it over with.

I already gave you chapter 2, so … wrap up chapter one,
put it behind you and move on. “JUST A SUGGESTION”.

Any good student would do it that way.

So to accommodate this, the online test will be available Sunday. I have extended your study time by 2 days.

TO HELP YOU so do not come up with crazy lame excuses about anything.
This class is all about you.
Put in your fair share of work to get the most of the class.

So here it is!!!!

Answer the following questions in MS word and submitt hardcopy in 1 week at the beginning of class ( NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED):

1. What are the characteristics of the modern business environment in Belize?

2. Describe the Web-based, global platform and how this affects Belize.

3. Describe the platform used by Google, Amazon and other companies. Would this be something that can work in Belize.

4. Describe some of the pressures that characterize the modern global business environment?

5. What are some of the organizational responses to these pressures faced in Belize? Are any of the responses specific to a particular pressure and does it include IT? If so, which ones?

6. What are the major reasons why it is important for employees in all functional areas to become familiar with IT?

7. Why is it important to become knowledgeable about information technology if you are not working as an IT employee?

8. What is the difference between IT Infrastructure and IT architectur?.

9. Is the Internet an infrastructure, an architecture, or an application program? Why? If none of the above, then what is it?

10. How has the global, Web-based platform affected competitionin Belize? Give an example.

11. Describe the new information technology infrastructure of Google and Amazon. What is the relationship between this new infrastructure and the global, Web-based platform?

12. Explain why IT is a business pressure and also an enabler of response activities that counter business pressures.

13. What does a flat world mean to you in your choice of a major? In your choice of a career? Will you have to be a “lifelong learner”? Why or why not?

14. What will the impact of a flat world be on your standard of living. Explain

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

INT 111

Today I went to the doctor as a follow up to how I am feeling. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow for some tests. I was given 2 days off. This means I will not be in class on Thursday and Friday. This does not mean that you got off.

We are scheduled for a test on Friday and so we will have that I will have a link posted on Friday. You are to click on the link and take the test online. I will be able to get your grades so just follow the instructions and all will be OK. I'll see you on Monday. Remember to log on to engrade for the notes that was discussed in class today.

As for the Data Flow Diagram. On Friday I will post the scenario. You are to complete a level zero and a level 1 diagram and submit the printed copy to me on Monday. This is a take home test. Each person is expected to make their own DFD. Do it yourself to improve yourself and to avoid a zero because I will give you zero for sharing or copying. I trust you. Do not betray my trust.

Math 101

Today I went to the doctor as a follow up to how I am feeling. I am scheduled to go back tomorrow for some tests. I was given 2 days off. This means I will not be in class on Thursday and Friday. This does not mean that you got off.
I have scheduled excercises for you that will not be delayed or postponed.
Aggg the worders of technology - all I ask is tht you find a computer with internet access and complete the online graded practice as outlined below.

We are on Fractions

Below I have placed links to a site that will walk you through our topic which is fractions.

The fundamentals are basic and I need you to be confident in this before we move on.

Think of it as a game.
The activity times you.
I challenge you to do it until you get 100% then move on.
I bet you can’t !!

AHA… prove me wrong!! I you do as good as you did on test one I expect a plesant surprise. If you decide not to bother and you do not put in practice time. Guess who suffers. Right!! YOU!!

You are to complete the following at you own pace ( so to speak) you need to complete one section per day.

Thursday Class work: This one replaces my class time:

Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.

Word Problems: Add and subtract Fractions with like denominators

Thursday Homework after you have completed Thursday Class work
Add and subtract fractions: Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Add fractions with unlike denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

Friday’s Homework

Add and subtract fractions: Add 3 or more fractions with unlike denominators

Add and subtract fractions: Complete addition and subtraction sentences with fractions

Saturday’s homework - no Expo until this is done!!

Add and subtract fractions: Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions

Add and subtract fractions: Estimate sums and differences of mixed numbers

Sunday’s Homework

Complete the section. YES ALL THE REST!!

Now you know its not over until I motivate you. So here it is … Remember you promised me to put in the effort and use technology to improve you math skills. You promised. This is a site that has it simplified and when you get anything wrong there will be a clear explanation to guide you. I believed you promise and I know that if you make the effort you will see the results. Show me how responsible you can be. Show us all that you can do this. I know you can. Don’t disappoint me.
Take a step to a new you in Math!!! Do it alone with no distractions.

Check back on Sunday for next weeks assignment. See you Thursday. Need I mention that I will know who put in the time and need I tell you it will envolve a Grade?? It will... Will you be ready??

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Math 101

Now that we have completed the chapter test we are moving on to the next chapter on fractions. Please be sure to work on those tutorials on fractions.

I am counting on you to do you part.

INT 111 DFD Practice

Information Technology 1
Data Flow Diagram

Consider the following scenario and create a level 0 diagram.

1. Cooper’s Bank is a commercial lending institution that offers only two banking services. Personal Savings Accounts and Personal Loans. In order to access any of these services you must first be a Customer. To become a customer you must first fill out an application and present it to the customer Service Representative along with your Social Security Card and a current Utility bill. Having collected all the required documentation the Customer Service Representative will issue a Savings Pass Book. This book needs to be submitted when making withdrawals or adding savings to an account. In the case of personal Loans, a person can only borrow up to 80% of the amount that they have in their savings account. To apply for a loan customer is required to fill out a loan application and submit his/her pass book. The account amount is verified and if the savings exceeds 80% the loan is granted immediately. If the loan is granted the customer is given some agreement forms to fill out. These are returned to the customer service representative who files them and issues the money. In the event where the savings amount is less than the required 80%. The customer is denied the loan and is given a pamphlet of good tips on saving.

Having created your level 0 diagram review it to ensure that all required information is present and create a level 1 diagram

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13-18 2010

Good Morning Everyone:

I trust you had a lovely tenth celebration. I hope you were wise and put a little study in.

Here’s what’s in the week ahead.

INT ………………………..Test TH/Fri
PP CH 1 Presentation
Mon Wed Test Friday
Tu Th Test Thursday

I know you are ready.
Make sure you have completed all those tutorials. Remember the class is like a bank account, what you put in you will get out.

Test Tu
Thur we move on to fraction + _ / *

And that’s it for this week enjoy….

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am not feeling well today and can not make it to class.

I am sorry but I am not feeling well today. I've been feeling dizzy since I got up. I went to school earlier hoping to feel better but the dizziness was still there. I Will not be in today but will make sure to arrange to make up the class with you. As soon as I feel better I will update you. Take care and again I am truly sorry and will make it up to you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Math 101

I know we have a test scheduled for today but in an effort to give you more practice time that test is re-scheduled for Thursday's class.Today we will explore an online tutorial site. YES... another one so you don't get bored.

Remember what you put in you get out so put in some practice.

Friday, September 3, 2010



I AM SO SORRY. lol... I know you don't care.

Bus seriously, no additional homework will be given to Math class or INT.

But get ready for Test on Monday.

INT be able to construct a DFD level 0 and level 1 diagram.

Math 101 review all that we did especially the last set that we worked on in class.

Get ready then when you are sure you are ready, rest and enjoy you weekend. The on Sunday evening review again.

I will give you next week schedule on Sunday. But you already know the first class is a test. Hee hee !!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MATH 101

An update on the assignment.

I was clear that I expected ALL assignments as well as NO late assignments. Now remember assignments are for your benefit. You were given adequate time to complete it and it was accessible to you. Keep in mind that many of you do not have the book and I am doing my best to help you with whatever I can. Well… One such way is by giving assignments. Failure to complete my assignment will result in 20% off immediately, no questions asked. You do your part I will do mine.

Second late assignment 30% off. Don’t let that apply to you – Do my work and do it well. I expect great things from you do not disappoint me!

Third late assignment 40% off Need I say more.

Next week we will be moving on to fractions. This means that you need to have the basics of addition subtraction multiplication and division set. Come on if you never got it before we can do it now. Help me to help you.

Having said that it would be advisable to review the following:

Composite and prime numbers
be able to identify proper/improper and mixed numbers
know how to find the LCM
inequalities (greater than, less than and equal to)
addition subtraction multiplication and division of fractions.

Check back later for today’s assignment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

INT 111

Assignment due Friday Sept 3rd 1020:

1. Use msword to draw a level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the library.
2. Use msword to draw a level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the address book.

Refer to your notes for the descriptive method, which indicates all the required processes, entities, data stores and data flows.

Ta Daa... That's all for today...

Be sure to apply yourself!

No late assignments.
Your assignments are due at the beginning of class. YUP!! FRIDAY!!