Remember that all the concepts learnt in this course is to assist you in creating a end of Semester "WOW" web page. So far I have been checking up on you and your pages have included items covered and requested.
I need to point out however that you should also be working on the end of semester project where you will be presenting all the features in a easy flowing presentable, web page.
With this in mind I suggest you take the following into account!!
Layout and Tables
The layout of your Web page is important. How you Place components, such as text, images, and headings is critical to not only the appearance of a page, but also how well the visitor understands the information presented.
A poor layout will look bad, and it will also make the information on the page hard to find and understand.
Check out the link!! Soak it in and edit your page as you see fit. Here is an excerpt of what to expect.
"Basic Web Design Concepts
There are several principles of design pertinent to the Web. Among them are proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. These four principles affect how Web pages are perceived. "
Remember I told you knowing to code is one thing - being creative and presenting a package that results in a "WOW" is entirely different. I know you can do it.
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