Friday, February 26, 2010

WWW- Extra Credit

As promised I will be giving assignments for extra credit – BUT – you have got to work for it!!

Each question on this Extra Credit Assignment is worth 1 pt extra on any of your grades.
This means you have a chance to add 15% to you grade. It’s your choice. If you want it you got it. If you need.. it take it!! The choice is yours.

This is Due next Friday. March 12th 2010

Based on Chapter 1

1. What protocol is used by the majority of computer connections to the Internet?
2. What is the form of an IP address?
3. Describe a fully qualified domain name.
4. What is the document root of a Web server?
5. What is a virtual host?
6. What is the task of a DNS name server?
7. What is hypertext?
8. What is the purpose of a MIME type specification in a response from a server?
9. What must a Web server furnish the browser when it returns a document with an experimental MIME type?
10. What is the purpose of the Accept field in an HTTP request?
11. What field is required in an HTTP response?
12. What problem is addressed by using a public key approach to encryption, relative to earlier encryption methods?
13. Is it practically possible to compute the private key associated with a given public key?
14. What is the difference between a virus and a worm?
15. What aspect of this chapter do you feel is most interesting, explain.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thank you!!

I would like to thank you for your kind words and support to my family and I. In times like these it is helpful to know we are not alone. I would liketo convey my appreciation to students and staff for all the support I received. (I know my phone, wherever if may be is filled with missed calls and messages.)

    If nothing else I have learnt a few lessons that I would like to share with you if I may.

  • Say I love you, if you mean it you do not need an occasion to express it.
  • Take pictures, it’s a way to capture the moment. No moment is the same so capture as many as you can.
  • Don’t take anything and especially anyone for granted, life has no guarantees, so appreciate everything and everyone. Recognize that things can and do change in an instant.
  • Thank God daily, and if you can hourly, for each second of life he allows you and the ones you love, for he is a great and merciful and powerful God.
  • Our essence never dies, so our love ones who have passed are simply with us in a new form, one that we can carry forever in our hearts.
  • Live each day to the fullest, don’t hurt people, be good, and most of all appreciate and be thankful.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feb 22- Feb 26th

    Graded Practical on cascading style sheets:
    page 127

  1. Ex.3.5

  2. Ex.3.6

  3. Ex.3.9

  4. Ex.3.10

25% each to be completed by class time on Monday.
It will be checked individually.
While I am checking you can continue the posted tutorial in preparation for Wed class.


Online Activity: Focus Theory on information for Cascading Style sheets.
Format T/F MC (40) Page 91-128

Friday: Engrade Grade verification for Feb 2010

INT 211


Online RE-Test on Telecommunication
Note that I will add 20 other questions to the original 20
HINT!! Review, Research…PREPARE!!
I will keep grade from last week as well as this grade.


Discussion: Computer Crimes
Research various computer crimes and be able to contribute to the discussion.
This is an opportunity to earn class participation points.


Discussion: Computer Protection
How can I protect my files?
Research: methods, procedures, best practices, recommendation etc.
Engrade grade verification Feb 2009



Online Activity Chapter 4
40 questions format MC – T/F


Online Activity Chapter 5
40 questions format MC – T/F


Engrade Grade Verification Feb 2009


Submit: Compiled information from all Companies interviewed.
Prepare a list on areas that needs to be covered-How?
Decide on a POA that will cover all the needs stated/required

Please Note:

The thanksgiving Service for my sister will be held tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army Church on Cemetery Road.

Everthing will go back to normal on Monday. I trust you were all responsible students and kept to schedule. As usual I will post our schedule for next week so that you aware of what will be happening and can prepare.

On a side note, I lost my phone, don't know where exactly, If anyone finds it, or here of someone finding a nice phone, PLEASE, let me know. Take care and remember to check in for next week's schedule.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It is with great sadness that I inform you all of the death of my sister. She had a leak in her heart valve and was hospitalised and put on the ventilator last Tuesday. Since then she was making small but steady improvement. However yesterday she regressed drastically and by the afternoon our family was informed that the doctors had done all they could and there was nothing else that they could do to help her.

At ten thirty she was removed from the ventilator and succumbed to her illness by 11:50.

I would like to be with my family and will not be able to make it to class for CIS 120-1 and CIS 120-2.

Remember that we are scheduled to have a test. You will still need to take this test. It will be online and I will post the details later.

This means that you do not have to be in class today but note I will require my hour back, as I ask that you take this test online at a time that will be announced.

Use the time wisely I expect all 100%.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Remember that all the concepts learnt in this course is to assist you in creating a end of Semester "WOW" web page. So far I have been checking up on you and your pages have included items covered and requested.

I need to point out however that you should also be working on the end of semester project where you will be presenting all the features in a easy flowing presentable, web page.

With this in mind I suggest you take the following into account!!

Layout and Tables
The layout of your Web page is important. How you Place components, such as text, images, and headings is critical to not only the appearance of a page, but also how well the visitor understands the information presented.

A poor layout will look bad, and it will also make the information on the page hard to find and understand.

Check out the link!! Soak it in and edit your page as you see fit. Here is an excerpt of what to expect.

"Basic Web Design Concepts
There are several principles of design pertinent to the Web. Among them are proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast. These four principles affect how Web pages are perceived. "

Remember I told you knowing to code is one thing - being creative and presenting a package that results in a "WOW" is entirely different. I know you can do it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

FEB 15th to 19th 2010


Please note that I have posted Study Guide Notes for you, as usual by 3’s. This means that you now have Chapter 1 – 6 available. Remember I post notes in advance to encourage you to read ahead and prepare before class.

These notes can be found in the CIS Transfer folder under subfolders labeled WWW Chapter 3 – 6 respectively. Make much of them and do not waste your time. Work ahead be all that I know you can be.

The Practical on Chapter 2 that was started on Friday is Due.

Note that by now you should have Cascading Style sheets covered and are prepared to get practical assessment on that topic.(Chapter 3)

Log in to your engrade account and find preparatory exercises that will be similar to the in class assessment.

So to recap on Monday we will be having a guided practical on CSS similar to the exercises posted in your Engrade account as ungraded assignments.


We will be having a graded practical on CSS similar to the practical exercises we did Monday.

Friday: Theory Test on CSS
Format T/F – MC-

INT 211

Discuss Notes on Telecommunication

Continue with Telecommunication


Test on Telecommunication


Test on Chapter 4:Information System hardware

Begin Chapter 5
Information System Software

Continue Chapter 5
Information System Software


Test on Chapter 5
Information System Software

Complile information from all Companies interviewed.
Prepare a list on areas that needs to be covered-How?
Decide on a POA that will cover all the needs stated/required

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I found something nice that you can do for extra credit.

Note the following:

  1. You are not required to do it.
  2. If you do it you will be awarded EXTRA CREDIT POINTS!!
  3. This extra credit will replace a missing grade or your lowest grade.
  4. The experience will benefit you by exposing you to a new environment and a new way a different way of conducting business.
  5. You are under no obligation to partake in the activity.
  6. This activity is open to all of my students. ANY CLASS!!
  7. It will be on a weekend
  8. You will be responsible for your own transportation
  9. You need your parents permission if you are under 18 years of age.
  10. You will need sign at a designated place(TBA)and show your school id.

AHA!! Now the details.

On FEB 29th 2010 there will be an OPEN DAY at SPANISH LOOKOUT!

  1. Festivities,
  2. auctions,
  3. sales,
  4. displays,
  5. information booth
  6. game booths,
  7. Company displays
  8. Wild stock displays
  9. FOOD of all sorts

I am to receive the details tomorrow which I will take to the office and request permission. After receiving permission, procedure and guidelines you will be informed way in advance to allow for planning and other arrangements. I believe it is good exposure, especially for BIS and INT students. WWW you can come just for exposure and to be better rounded, but it will not directly relate to interactive web page creation.

Update on "New Innovations" assignment

INT 211

Please ensure that your files have been submitted to the lab monitor and that you are ready by your class time.

Mr. Rosado will place it in the approprite folder. He is willing to assist you so take advantage of this opportunity to do a really nice presentation.

Presentations continue tomorrow - Note that Friday February 12th is the last day for class presentations. Anyone who has not presented by the end of that class session will have to do it by appointment. A presentation none the less. This is so that we do not use up more time that was initally scheduled for presentations.

REMEMBER! Our goal is to finish the book... and finish we will. Right??

Remember that you already have the notes on the upcomming chapter "Telecommunication". REVIEW IT!!. I may give you a quiz that I already have prepared!!

BIS -Congrats! I am proud of you!!


This is a first and I must say.. I like it!

I received all my projects on time. WOW!!

As to the contents - no comment yet. That remains to be seen."

The quality of the submissions have improved drastically. I have lots of professional looking submissions. Keep it up.

I have decided to link the blogs you created to my own one so from here you will be able to browse others. The reason for this is to BRAG and show how good your blog is - and in doing so the ones that are not up to standard will be prompted to improve theirs.

Note that at the end of the semester a grade will be given. This grade will reflect the work you have put into updating and improving your blog. Explore the options available to you and make use of all the features. I'll be checking to ensure this and enjoy yourself.

REMEMBER!! I expect Profesional information. Your grade depends on it so don't try to be

"cute" and post and volgarity and inappropriate information.

You are all mature enough to know what is acceptable by SJCJC's standards.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Press Release - Selection Process 2010

UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.

¿Scholarships for Belizeans?

The UWC movement offers Belize two (2) scholarships to attend the colleges of Costa Rica and India for talented, promising young Belizeans.

The scholarships are offered to outstanding young students to finish their junior college studies in an extraordinary international setting.

¿What is United World Colleges?

United World Colleges (UWC) is a unique educational international movement that unites students from all over the world – selected by personal merit, without distinction of race, religion, politics or economical situation – with the objective of promoting peace and international understanding.

Nowadays, there are thirteen UWC Colleges, each with its own personality, but all with the same shared mission and core values.

Regional and ethnical hostilities and the accelerated environmental degradation our planet is enduring show that these values are maybe now even more relevant than in 1962 when the colleges were founded.

¿What does it mean to be part of the UWC movement?

Imagine being only 16 and be surrounded by people from different countries, races, and cultures. Imagine cooking Indian curries, learning Chinese calligraphy or photography, discussing world affairs with someone from the other side of the world, maybe even from a country until now you didn’t even know existed.

The UWC daily experience emphasizes the interactions among students from which great friendships and alliances arise and last much more than the two years at Colleges.

¿What is the academic program?

The UWCs follow the International Baccalaureate, a certification with worldwide recognition as a top academic credential (recognized by the Belizean Ministry of Education). Students take a total of six subjects (Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities and Arts).

Additionally every student is required to take a course on Theory of Knowledge, write a 4,000 word essay on a selected topic (as a short thesis), and participate in the CAS program (Creativity, Action and Service) that highlights the importance of life beyond the academic program, including a strong a emphasis on social service.

¿What are the requirements?

  1. Be Belizean

  2. Be between 15 and 18 years of age.

  3. Have finished the year corresponding to the CXC exam.

  4. Be an independent person, responsible and COMMITTED TO ACADEMICS as well as with the ideals of justice, peace and cooperation.

  5. Have carried out social service, volunteering or other extra-curricular activities (ex.: sports, music, arts, or others).

  6. Request the application form via email from: and return the completed form before February 23 at the same address.

  7. If selected and after graduating from the UWCs, be prepared to work with the
    National Committee for at least two years in overall selection and other activities relevant to the UWCs.

If the candidate is selected for the following selection phases, he/she will be contacted formally by the National Committee.

More questions --- ¿Who to ask?

The UWC National Committee in Belize has the following email address:

If you would like to know more of the UWCs, the selection process, or the International Baccalaureate you may visit the following web pages:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Morning

It is such a lovely morning today, so nice for it to be so rough for me. Remember that on Friday I started with that runny nose and constant sneezing? Well, that has evolved into a full blown cold. I have a bad cough and constant headache.

Nevertheless I need to keep to schedule and onthat note here is your schedule for the week.

INT 111

MONDAY You are to work on your projects. Be sure to give your files to the lab monitor for him to place in a special folder for me.

Presentation of New innoivations in Hardware and Software.

Presentations continue.
Quiz on New Innovative hardware and Software.

Things to look for during presentions to ensure you are prepared for the quiz.

1. What the item is.

2. What the item does.

3. Where you can get the item.

4. A practical use for the item.

5. Can the items be misued? Use for a purpose NOT for which it was intended.

6. How much does the item cost?



I will forgo the quiz today and let you use the time to work on your booklet.

Instructional booklets will be collected and the quiz on chapter 4 will be administered.

Chaper 4 continued

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

INT 211 Project 1 Details

New Inovaiive Technology

You are to reseach 2 New immerging technology in the area of
1. Hardware
2. Software

For each you must explain, (using MS Word):
1. What it is.
2. What it does.
3. How it can be used.
4. What is the cost.
5. Where it can be purchased.

Bonus: If you provide a video of the item you get bonus points!!

All files are to be submitted to the lab monitor before your scheduled class and he will place them in the class folder so that when you are called all you need to do is open your file.

Make sure he has your file and that you are ready. Failure to submitt your file will result in a M for the grade. NO EXCEPTIONS. With this in mind I will extend the due date to February 10th 2010.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Feb 1st - Feb 5th 2010

CIS 120

This week we will be working on Chapter 3.

Discuss test performance and grade expectations.

Confirm that all students are aware
that chapter 4-6 has been posted and is available,

Class discussion first half of Chapter 3.

Project 1. - Due Date Monday Feb 8th 2010
Create an Instruction Manual in Ms Word.
Topic: How to create a Blog using

Wednesday Continue second half of Chapter 3.

Clarify any questions concerning Project 1.

Review Chapter 3

Test Chapter 3

A reminder: Do not allow yourself to fall behind
We are on a schedule that must be adhered to.
Be responsible and prepare for each class.

Proper preparation will equip you for class discussion,
the result - and you will get more out of each lecture.



Have your files ready.

Today I will do a graded random check to ensure that you are where you should be.
To date your webpage should include a table displaying various allignments and Submit form and reset form buttons.

While I am cchecking and grading webpages individually students are expected to continue with the tutorials. I believe you are somewhere in the vicinity of
tables so here is your link

Cascading Style Sheets Page 91 of your text Programming the WWW
A reminder books are available for purchace at the book store on Campus.

3.2 Levels of Style Sheets
3.3 Style Specifications Formats
3.4 Selector Forms
3.5 Property Value Forms


3.6 Font properties
3.7 List Properties
3.8 Color
3.9 Allignment of text
3.10 The Box Model
3.11 Background Images
3.12 The span and div tags
3.13 Conflict Resolution,


Test 2
covering content from chapter 2 and 3

T/F - MC and Fill in the blank
Short answer Practical coding

Int 211

Assignment due
Notes 3
Project 1 assigned :- Due Feb 8th 2010

Notes 3 completed

Format online covering chapter 1- 3

I will update the blog with the particulars of what I will be looking for (on your individual page) next week.