Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30- Dec 4 2010

INT 111

Monday discussion Chapter 6 continued

Wed Test on Chapter 6 - Open Slide (LOL)

Do not fool yourself to think that this means you do not have to study.
It means study harder!!

Familiarize your yourself with those notes inside and out so that you can flip to the correct portions and find the links you need...

You know if you do it right you will not even have to flip...

it will just flow..TRUE!

Friday Chapter 7 and grade verification.

Chapter 7 will be our last chapter for this semester.

In the interest of time - this chapter will be evaluated via a take home test.

Again I remind you that my expectation are higher in cases such as these where you have all required resources as well as time available to you.

Take note also that it means under NO circumstances will I be accepting any late tests..Ta Ta Ta DAAA so be responsible and do your best.

This may turn out to be an opportunity for you to raise your grades.
(we all want to do that - RIGHT!!)

Blogs are to be updated for a grade this week TU and Wed.

Projects are to be started.

Project Details are as follows:

You are to chose any of the following:
1. Select an existing company explain the details of the company and the services they offer, location, target market etc. Let me really know this company.

Explain the processes used in their daily activities and indicated the level of IT utilized.

Select one area that you would like to improve.
a. Create a data Flow Diagram that shows the current process
b. Provide written documentation explaining how the process is done and technology/machinery/procedures used.
c. Document your proposed change indicating the benefits of implementing this process.
d.Create a data flow diagram that demonstrates implementation of your proposed
change for improvement.

That's all and you are done!!

Unless you decide to do our second choice which is:

2. Improve the registration process at Saint John's College Junior College.

If you select this option you need to provide all of the above requirements stated for number 1 but relating to the SJC registration process.

Math 101

Grade Verification

Online Test Algebra

Chapter 5

I will be posting assignment/practice for each chapter.
One per day leading up to exams.

Be sure to complete them (ALL)
as the exam will cover the same objectives tested in the exercises.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Some people have been asking questions about my excursion to Chetumal.
Here are the details.

I am having an excursion to Chetumal on Saturday November 27th 2010. The cost of the trip is twenty five dollars per person. The bus will be parked in front of Pallotti High School and we will move of promptly at 5:00 am. We are expected to be back in Belize between 6:00-7:0 p.m. on Saturday November 27th 2010. lol yet it's only a day trip.

Frequently Asked questions.
Who is having the trip.
Me.. Ms. Cooper private citizen.

Who can come on the trip.

Anyone who is over eighteen years old and has a valid passport and pays me twenty five dollars and understands that I expect responsible, respectful behavior at all times. Parents, Guardians friends are especially invited.

Needless to say this trip promises to be a fun filled venture. Please spread the word, I have space for fifty persons. We have limited spaces available that will be issued on a first come firms serve basis. Like I mentioned early payment is encourage to secure your space.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week Nov 22- 26 2010

INT 111

Chapter 6 E-Business and E-Commerce

Extra Credit Due Wed/Th
Remember to keep updating those blogs.

Chapter test Monday November 29th 2010

Math 101

Chapter 5 Ratio and Proportions

Book Assignment:

Tuesday: 5.1 1-50 page 266-267
Wednesday:51-100 page 267-270

Web assignment
Chapter 4 -algebra: http://math.com/homeworkhelp/Algebra.html
Chapter 5 Ratio and Proportion http://math.com/school/subject1/lessons/S1U2L1GL.html
Test Next Tuesday

INT 111 Bonus

Visit the link below

You will need to use a U.S. number to try it out. Use a real one that you know-
So that you can see that it actually works. Hee hee

When you have tried the site out comment on the experience.
Consider the following:

1. Was it accurate.
2. Was it quick and easy.
3. Your Positive and Negative feelings on this service.
4. Business use for such a service.
5. Could this work in Belize - What for?
6. What would be points to consider before implementing a site like this in Belize.

Submit your typed comments at the start of your next INT class for 12 extra points on you chapter 5 test.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 5 End of Chapter Wrap-Up

2 points each total 28 extra points.

INT111-1 and 2: Assignment is to be handed in Monday before class begins.

INT111-3: Assignment to be handed in on Tuesday before class begins.

1. Describe the three network applications that we discussed in this section and the tools and technologies that support each one.

2. What are the business conditions that are leading to the increased importance of videoconferencing? Do you see this as a viable practice that would enhance businesses in Belize?

3. Describe the underlying technologies, applications and types of Web sites that comprise Web 2.0.

4. What is the difference between e-learning and distance learning? Which do you feel offers the better options for Belizeans who wish to further their education.

5. What is telecommuting? Would it work in Belize? Indicated both positive and negative outcomes.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting from the viewpoint of the employee? From the viewpoint of the organization?

7. Use the VoIP advantages to propose a VoIP system for Saint John’s College. Which advantages would be most applicable to us? What VoIP disadvantages would be most applicable us?

8. If you are the CEO of BelizeTelemedia Limited , what strategies would you implement to counter the threat of VoIP?

9. What would be the possible advantages of a small business creating a blog?

10. Would advertising over the internet be comparable to television advertising? What are the disadvantages? Will this strategy be successful in the long run? Why or why not? Be specific.

11. How would you describe Web 2.0 to someone who has not had an information systems course?

12. If you were the CEO of a company, would you pay any attention to blogs about your company? Why or why not?

13. Is it a good idea for a business major to join LinkedIn as a student? Why or why not?

14. Is telecommuting a good idea? Elaborate on the pros and cons.

Please note: No late assignments will be accepted. All assignments must be delivered in hardcopy form.

Do not miss this opportunity to earn an extra 28% on your “grade”.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

INT 111 - I am Postponing the Test

I have not been able to get to a computer long enough to put up your extra credit assignment. That means that in all fairness, since the intent of the extra credit was to assist you in preparing for the next test scheduled for tomorrow, I would need to postpone the test in order for you to be able to complete the assignment and study properly.

Having said this I have re-scheduled the test for Monday November 22 and Tuesday November 23.
Please be responsible and complete the notes tonight so that by tomorrow you are able to fully focus on my assignment. Time is precious resist the urge to waste it.

Follow the links as presented in the notes. Compare them; rate them and discuss issues that you liked, or did not like. How you think they could be improved...aha even that!!

Enjoy your evening...

Extra Credit taking EXTRA LONG

Good Morning everyone,

Today is a beautiful day, make it a productive day!!

Well... Yesterday I did not get to post the assignment I promised. One thing led to another and then I realized I had not yet done it. I am sorry.

To make it up to you the extra credit assignment will be worth 25% NOT JUST 20%.

So that should be up by 10 am today. If by 10:15 you do not see it...

Please feel free to remind me. lol...Naaa don't worry will not forget you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


We have one day to go for my BAR-B-Q

I predict a success!!

I want to thank all those who assisted through donations,
selling tickets,
buying tickets
and those who have volunteered to help in any way.

I can do this because of you.
Your support is the critical component to making this endeavor a success and I appreciate it.
Thank you!!

Remember when life give you lemons...make lemonade...AND SELL IT hee hee

I still got tickets so if you are hungry come on over..

Remember the details

11:00 AM - 2:00 P.M.

MY BIRTHDAY!!! YEA!! the BIG 40!!

So this week is my birthday I will be forty...imagine ...
and I still look good lol!

So in tradition of birthdays past you do not have to come to school for my birthday just stay home. Not only for my class but all just stay home!! I said SO!!

What?? When is my birthday??

Well as if ... It is November 19th TAA DAAA... Told Ya to stay home....hee hee

Ok so here is our plan for next week.

INT 111
Chapter five has been posted we will Finish that up on Monday for Test WED.

NOTE: INT section 1 and 2 Test Chapter 5 on WED.
INT 111 Section 3 you started chapter 5 also so you too will have your test but on Thursday.

Math 101

I have placed your work schedule up so I expect for us to be able to get review and practice on Tuesday which means be prepared for a Test on Thursday.

Hint be sure to do all the review exercises as well as the pretest and post test for the chapter. (That's chapter 4)

You have no excuse because you have the computer to assist you as well as the book exercises. Chop chop. Work hard and get ready.

Then...On Friday go celebrate my birthday and have good clean fun. Take care and remember to tell each member of your family you love them.

TAA DAA... That's all folks

Week Nov 8- 12

INT 111
Chapter 4 Test
Done and graded
Begin Chapter 5
(Notes available in your class folder)

Math 101
Chapter 4 Algebra
http://www.math.com/homeworkhelp/Algebra.htmlThis is the main link I expect you to complete all this is 1 week. So pace yourself and put in the practice.

As a guide use the following:
Thursday: Language of Algebra
Friday: Basics of Algebra
Sat:Equations and Inequalities
Sunday: Church then re do the section on Equations and Inequalities
Monday:Graphing Equations and Inequalities

I do not believe I need to remind you BUT I WILL!!
This is an important chapter as it will prepare you for math 103 College Algebra!!

If you get this chapter you will stand a change. If not....welll...see you next semester AGAIN!!

Be responsible for your learning...take the right step!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Update on Richard

So Richard came and soaked everything I owned and almost drowned my family and me. I am lucky and grateful to be alive.

I know this.

However, I am not pleased at all with the way that things are going.
No one seems to understand the extent of my loss.
NEMO and many others came to assess damages; they took pictures and expressed amazement at the extent of my loss yet no support has been forthcoming.

So yes I have my family, thank God but I am homeless, forced to seek lodging at a friend’s house and not being able to provide for my sons who mean the world to me.

Like I said in class, I have always considered myself a proud independent woman and I do not appreciate the way the government agencies are humiliating me
by telling me they will assist my family with food and yet to date
I don’t seem to qualify for something as simple as food!

Having waited for so long and having not received any package from any government agency, I explained to Mr. Roger Espejo my disappointment;

he told me to go on Regent street and ask for Ms. Pennil at Human Services Department, who would give me a package of food.

Believing him, I went to go pick it up then when I got there I was told by Ms Pennil that I needed to go back home and wait there for someone to come and assess my house first and then I would get food so I left with nothing for they gave nothing.

A few more days passed and no food came, yet each night newscasts featured food distribution to people of the “Port Layola” area.

Again I visited Regent Street and spoke to Ms. Pennil.

I reminded her of what she has said about the assessment and informed her that I still did not get any food.

Well! She told me I would not be getting any because I had a job and I did not need the assistance.

WOW!! Really! Wow!! Who is she to tell me what I do and do not need?

Well you know I had to ask her! I said Ms. Pennil,

“Look at me. (This was Frinday, I was dressed the same as for classes that morning)

Do I look like a person who would come all the way here if I did not need to…really?”

I explained that I have always subsidized my income with my landscaping or id printing and neither was possible now because all my equipment was destroyed;

(I had the pictures to prove it) yet my financial obligations remained the same and because I had no means of making extra money I would face losing my house. .

I explained that her actions were unreasonable and she replied that when I have no house or job then they can help me.

I asked was the relief not for victims of the hurricane or only unemployed people. She said, “Miss you have a job”, as if that was something bad.

To be honest, I feel like a victim, but not because of the Hurricane Richard.

I feel persecuted for being an employed, educated member of society.

I have always been an honest, hard working, law abiding, productive member of society, working for many years.
I pay my taxes.
Under normal circumstances I would never be asking for anything other than,
“Can I offer you landscaping services or print your companies ID cards?”
and for them to treat me this way when I am in need, is despicable!

Never have I ever imagined that I would be placed in such a position.
It really is hard for me to have had everything and to have lost it all so quickly. This was really unexpected and I struggle emotionally and the added stress of their actions is uncalled for.

I remember Mr. Roger Espejo on a television interview where he spoke of my case and said that the government “would assist the teacher on Reggae St.” well I have received no assistance and I am surprised and upset.

Anyway, being the fighter and businesswoman that got me all I had in the first place, I will not give up.

I did break down, I admit, but now I am ready to try again, for my sanity, for my sons, for my future and as an example to women and all my students past and present.

My first plan of action is a bar-b-q that will be held this Friday November 12th 2010.

This bar-b-q will be done Cayo style with
Cooper's secret ingredient (yummy)and be sold at $5.00 each.

I will have tickets available on Monday so feel free to come pick one up.

Tell your friends..true…tell them! I will have a tent across from the SJC roundabout (where printing is done)
Yes! The gentleman gave me permission to use his yard.
Food will be available from eleven.. well that’s the plan.

As for what I need, some people have expressed their desire to help and feeling that I would take their offer the wrong way so here is a multiple choice. Lol

a. You can support me by buying a ticket
b. You can help me sell some tickets
c. You can bring any of the following to be used for the bbq (foil paper, bbq sauce, coal, plastic bags.)
d. You can offer to deliver bbq on that day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 1-5

Math 101
Tuesday Update/ Review/ Plan
Thursday Chapter 3 Test.
Be sure to prepare use the post test as a guide.

Assignments for chapter 4 will be posted tomorrow.

INT 111

Update- Presentation on slides. You were to be prepared so I expect his to go quickly.

Wednesday - presentations continue. Lecture wrap up of chapter

Friday - Test on Chapter

Be sure to download the information for the new chapter that begins next week.


Test Friday
Blog updates at least three per week. Keep current.
Download your file to start preparation for the new chapter.
Bar-B-Que next week Friday.